About Amy L. Stevenson
Amy Stevenson grew up in central California but ventured to Utah to receive a bachelor's degree
in human development from Brigham Young University. She has been using her degree every
day since then as a stay-at-home-mom to her son and three daughters.
She believes that parenting is more than telling children, "Be good!" It is about surrounding
ourselves with good things, and then acting in a way that reflects the good we have found. She
has always enjoyed discovering how people become who they are and has a blog where she
shares clean, good, uplifting ideas and resources for children and families in hopes of helping
them become their best selves.
Along with her husband and children she has lived in nine different cities in three states, which
has taught her that people are good everywhere and there is something to learn from every
experience. She and her family now live in Simi Valley, California -- and hope to stay there.

Amy serves as a ward missionary and teaches the gospel principles class.