have a little boy who is three years old. I love him dearly, but he
is driving me bananas. He doesn’t obey and nothing I do seems
to work. I even find myself thinking that he is annoying. I don’t
think I’m cut out for this, but as I am his mother, I have to
figure out what to do.
can I reduce the frustration I feel?
you are describing is the fundamental frustration of parenting young
children. You pour yourself into civilizing them, and they resist.
look around at the other three-year-olds and think, “Bert comes
when he’s called. Graham uses the toilet without help. Russell
plays independently with educational, ecologically sustainable toys.
My child doesn’t do any of those things. He pretends to be an
inchworm during Sunbeams and refuses to learn the alphabet. I am
clearly doing something wrong. What is the matter with me?”
nothing the matter with you. You are not the first person who, when
faced with parenting a three-year-old, has wondered if she was cut
out for the job. Nor the first person who declared her parenting a
total bust, as evidenced by her three-year-old’s behavior.
cause of such frustration, however, is not actually the behavior of
your little boy nor your inadequacy as a parent. Rather, your
frustration comes from your own unmet expectations. You were
expecting A and you got Z. You wanted X but you didn’t realize
it came with gobs of Y attached. You have been working toward C, and
other people seem to have C, but your result has been 42.
expectations cause frustration and disappointment. And the only
remedy I know is to adjust your expectations to reflect reality.
your case, it sounds like you need to expect different (that is, less
mature) behavior from your son, and slower results from your
instruction. You might need to delay some hopes (“If I sing to
him, he will love singing”), and abandon others altogether (“We
will do puzzles together”). You need to ask yourself if you are
expecting too much, or expecting the wrong things.
that in mind, I have six suggestions.
stop multitasking. I know you have millions of things to do, but
your frustration level will drop precipitously if you stop expecting
to combine kid time with other tasks you want to accomplish.
example, if your child constantly interrupts you while you are trying
to prepare a Sunday School lesson, causing you frustration, prepare
the lesson later. If your child distracts you from your audiobook,
causing you frustration, listen to it later. If your child interrupts
your sewing, causing you frustration, sew later.
this mean you have to put aside important or enjoyable activities
just because your child is around? Yes. It does. But I promise that
you will feel noticeably less frustrated if you do. More importantly,
you will enjoy your son more when you do not feel like he is getting
in the way of what you really need to get done.
a larger scale, be selective in your commitments and associations.
Perhaps it seems like every mom you know has paid employment and a
side business, volunteers at the senior center, is training for a
marathon and is the Primary president. But you don’t have to do
all that. You should not accept every opportunity that comes your
way, especially if the demands of those responsibilities cause you,
again, to feel that your child is getting in the way of what you
really need to get done.
decide what needs to be done and what doesn’t need to be done.
Go to work and do your calling. Cook dinner and do the laundry. Go
visiting teaching and to book club. But say no to joining the
neighborhood association board, the school hospitality committee and
the community garden. Paint the bathroom while your son is at
preschool, and read your book later.
go with your three-year-old’s interests. Children like what
they like. You should not expect your son to enjoy certain toys,
games or activities just because you think he should. You can no
sooner convince a child who likes cars that he’d rather play
with dinosaurs or dolls than you can fly to the moon on a garden
is true no matter how much you want your son to play with dinosaurs
(because you read that memorizing all the dinosaurs is an early
predictor of financial success) or dolls (because you heard that
children who play with dolls are more empathetic). If your child
prefers cars to dinosaurs and dolls, so be it.
same goes for other interests, too. You can introduce your son to
music, sports, art, the zoo and the swings at the park. But whether
he enjoys these activities is a matter of his preference —
nothing more. If he likes music but not art, the swings but not the
slide, there is no need to push, fret or cajole. You will only
frustrate yourself and introduce conflict where none is necessary.
don’t compare yourself to other parents. Every parent is
good at something, and no parent can expect to be good at everything.
Figure out what you are good at and feel happy about it.
skills, such as having patience during sacrament meeting and throwing
awesome birthday parties, are easier to see than others. But there
are many other skills that also make an effective parent, such as
gentleness, the ability to play and being good at explaining things.
And remember that what you see of other parents at church, at the
playground or at the zoo is never the whole story.
especially wary of comparing yourself to what you see on social
media. Facebook, for example, is not real. It is a series of
carefully composed snapshots and intentionally chosen images. It is
never the whole picture of a person’s life, and it does not
show the trade-offs of achieving those marvelous accomplishments.
will give yourself a serious case of the covets if you start
comparing your life, your child, your family traditions, your house,
your vacation or anything else to what you think you know that other
people have, based on their social media posts. If social media
causes you to feel frustrated about what you lack, if it makes you
feel inferior to others, for heaven’s sake, stop looking at it.
don’t compare your child to other children. No one
appreciates being measured by the accomplishments of others. If you
have tendency to see how your son stacks up against other kids, and
to feel proud or disappointed accordingly, you need to stop now,
before he’s old enough to notice.
think and speak about your child in a positive way. Yes, he’s
driving you bananas. Three-year-olds tend to do that. But surely
there are things about him that are fun, interesting, adorable and
unique. When you are frustrated, put on your mom goggles and think
only about those positive things, even as you are trying to formulate
a new way to teach him appropriate behavior.
speak of your son lovingly and kindly. Do not criticize him in
public. When you seek advice from others about how to handle
difficult behaviors — which is perfectly appropriate —
speak of the behavior as the problem, and not of your son as
example, you might ask your friend how she teaches her children to
play well with others, rather than complaining to her that your son
is selfish or mean.
and don’t punch me in the nose for saying this, but your son is
only going to be little this one time. He’s going to get
older and lose all the adorable things that three-year-olds do. Don’t
wear yourself out wishing he were a well-behaved seven-year-old
instead of a funny, typical three-year-old.
you have a quandary, conundrum, or sticky situation in your life?
Click this button to drop Cyndie a line, and she’ll be happy to
answer your question in a future column. Any topic is welcome!
Cynthia Munk Swindlehurst spent her childhood in New Hampshire and her
adolescence in San Diego. She served a mission in Manaus Brazil. She
graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English and from
Duke University with a law degree.
She practiced law until her first child was born. She enjoys reading, tap
dancing, and discussing current events. She and her husband live in
Greensboro, North Carolina with their two sons.
Cyndie serves as the Sunbeams teacher in her ward.