parents and my husband’s parents lived in the same ward for
twenty years. My husband and I lived overseas, but when we visited we
could feel tension between the two couples — especially between
my father and my mother-in-law.
public, they were painfully polite to each other, but they clearly
harbored deep, negative feelings about each other. Still, they never
told us why they disliked each other, or any details of the rift.
my mother-in-law is the only one of our parents still living. She is
over ninety years old, and she regularly makes snide, under-handed
comments about my father. I have ignored these digs until now, but it
makes me feel disloyal to my father.
would appreciate some clarity on how to handle this touchy in-law
situation. What do you suggest?
is perfectly appropriate for you to ask your mother-in-law not to
speak ill of your late father. There is no rule of etiquette that
requires you to listen without comment to a person — even an
old person — insult your family.
next time your mother-in-law makes an inappropriate comment about
your father or any other member of your family, you can say, calmly
and firmly: “Nona, please don’t talk about my father that
way.” If you like a little drama, you can add, “He was not perfect, but
he was my father.”
will probably murmur something conciliatory, which you should
acknowledge with a nod before changing the subject. If a response is
required, you can say simply, “Thank you for saying that.”
however, she snaps, “Well, if you knew the whole story you
wouldn’t say that,” you should resist the urge to snap
back. Instead, remain calm and say, “I don’t want to know
what happened. He was my father, and I don’t appreciate those
approach would be for your husband to ask his mother to stop. In the
moment he could say, simply, “Mom.” Or, “Mom, I
don’t like you to talk that way about Karen’s dad. I know
you didn’t get along — and I don’t want to know why
— but he was always good to me.”
fact that your mother-in-law is over ninety years old does not matter
with respect to the problem of what to say: you could follow this
script with a person of any age. Also, you would be calm and
respectful no matter who you were talking to, young or old.
her age might be an issue you consider in other ways. For example, it
seems that your mother-in-law refrained from openly insulting your
father for twenty years despite her obvious dislike of him; she has
only let loose now.
change in her behavior might lead you to wonder if her younger self
would disapprove of her current actions, which might lead you to be
less offended by her behavior than you would have been years ago.
might also, because of her age, resolve to respond to repeated digs
with more patience than you would muster for a younger person. But
although her age might cause you to treat her with especial
tolerance, I don’t think it should stop you from asking her not
to say negative things about your late father.
of the above script includes a avowal that you do not want to know
what happened between your parents and your in-laws.
suppose that is not true. Suppose you have always wondered about the
rift and are hoping to winkle it out of your mother-in-law — or
are hoping that she will blurt it out. Let us consider whether this
is a good idea. On balance, I’m not sure it is, for three
telling the story is likely to intensify your mother-in-law’s
old hurts, not soothe them. Your mother-in-law has demonstrated a
vivid dislike of your father, even now, after he has died. It is
unlikely that telling you the story of their relationship will change
her mind about him or make her feel better.
it is unlikely that you will have a perspective or a piece of
information that will change her mind after all these years.
hearing the full story will not make you feel any better about the
long-time tension between your parents and your in-laws. It seems
more likely to spread the hurt feelings to you.
is unreasonable for you to expect a story that fully vindicates your
father. And if you don’t like hearing your mother-in-law’s
snide remarks about him, you will like even less the full story of
why she feels that way.
if you truly want to discourage your mother-in-law from making
cutting remarks about your father, your complete lack of interest in
their history is probably your most effective tool.
memories change with time. If your mother-in-law spilled the beans
about why she disliked your father so intensely, you would be getting
only her memory of the relationship, not the full picture. You still
would not know what really happened or why their relationship was
never repaired.
would not get your father’s point of view, your mother’s
point of view, or your father-in-law’s point of view, all of
which were deliberately concealed from you during those people’s
fact, the only thing I think you can know with certainty is that none
of your four parents thought their feud had anything to do with you
or your husband, and that none of them thought you should know why
there was bad blood between the two couples.
what you are likely to discover will probably reflect badly on
everyone. No matter what their dispute was about, it was between the
four of them — it was not between any of them and you.
that in mind, can any good come from knowing, for example, that a
more-than-twenty-year hostility began when your father intentionally
humiliated your mother-in-law by serving, against her express wishes,
peanuts at your wedding instead of almonds? Neither the original
slight nor its augmentation over the years speaks well of either
tension could have arisen from pure personal dislike, a petty
argument or a misunderstanding. Years of animosity over such things
would be sad. But there might have been a serious wrong committed:
dishonest business dealings, physical assault, unpaid debts or
slanderous gossip.
even if a serious wrong was committed, it was more than twenty years
ago and three of the four people involved are now dead: What is the
remedy? What could be done, at this point, to make anyone whole?
your predicament may seem like it’s straight out of a novel
written for ladies’ book clubs: Karen returns to her hometown
in Maine after decades of living abroad. She has always known that
her parents and her in-laws didn’t get along, but only now that
her parents are dead has her mother-in-law begun to open up about the
bad blood that has poisoned the family for decades.
Karen finally learn the secret that haunted their lives? And what
will happen when she uncovers the truth?
this is real life, not a summer beach read. And as the likelihood of
a shocking secret, a dramatic revelation, a search for truth and a
satisfying resolution seems remote, I suggest you tread lightly.
you have a quandary, conundrum, or sticky situation in your life?
Click this button to drop Cyndie a line, and she’ll be happy to
answer your question in a future column. Any topic is welcome!
Cynthia Munk Swindlehurst spent her childhood in New Hampshire and her
adolescence in San Diego. She served a mission in Manaus Brazil. She
graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English and from
Duke University with a law degree.
She practiced law until her first child was born. She enjoys reading, tap
dancing, and discussing current events. She and her husband live in
Greensboro, North Carolina with their two sons.
Cyndie serves as the Sunbeams teacher in her ward.