daughter completed an honorable mission, although it was difficult
for her. Since returning, she seems to be drifting and unable to
concentrate on either a career or a social life. She has gained a lot
of weight and become withdrawn. She is firmly against a medical
check-up or visiting a counselor.
has gone on for several years. What can we do to help her?
put your question a little differently. Your daughter is in her
middle twenties, and her life is not going as well as you had hoped
it would. She has not chosen a clear career path, she does not
socialize, her health is uncertain, and you are understandably
worried that all of these factors will limit her opportunities for
social and professional success, good health and marriage and
think you are right to be concerned, especially as you have observed
a change in her personality. It is not unreasonable of you to want
for your daughter the accomplishments and experiences that bring a
sense of satisfaction and happiness to many people.
question, though, is not how you can get her back on track. That is
completely beyond your control.
have no power to make her choose a career, find a therapist or join
Weight Watchers. I imagine you already know this: that you have
discussed with her the state of her career, health, social life and
physical appearance, with the best intentions. And that she has
rebuffed your suggestions, including those regarding medical or
mental health treatment.
I suggest a different approach, in which your aim is to build an
overwhelmingly positive relationship with her and to find ways to
bless her life.
have five suggestions.
don’t assume she is sad or dissatisfied with her life. As
odd as it may seem to you, she may not feel that her life is going
poorly. She may feel obligated to acknowledge the negatives of her
situation when she talks to you because she knows how you feel, but
it is entirely possible that she is content with her situation
despite those negatives.
is also possible that she feels content even though her career, for
example, is not fantastic. If this is the case, you should appreciate
her positive attitude. You may worry that she has become complacent,
but you should also feel pleased that she is able to live without
comparing herself to others.
make your interactions with her 100% positive. If your daughter
is like most people, she is perfectly aware of her shortcomings and
deficiencies. You don’t need to remind her that she’s on
her third job this year and that she’s overweight. She knows.
also knows, without your telling her, that a good job pays more and
is more interesting than a crummy job; that slim people look nicer in
clothes; that it would be lovely if she met a nice man to date or
marry; and which of her siblings, cousins, friends and former
classmates are currently enjoying the benefits of a good job, slender
figure and significant other.
also knows that to achieve these things, she should find a mentor,
eat less, exercise, go to parties and join LDS Singles.
to the extent that you have been looking for opportunities to have a
serious talk with her about any or all of these topics, stop it. When
you talk to her, don’t try to bring your conversations around
to the importance of a healthy diet or how much your friend’s
daughter has benefitted from seeing a counselor.
unless she brings it up, don’t ask whether she has applied for
any new jobs or met any nice men. Instead, make your conversations
nag-free. Show her that you and she can have a conversation that does
not include a serious chat or unsolicited advice.
invite her to do worthwhile things with you. Another way to have
positive interactions with your daughter is to find enjoyable,
productive things you can do together. Cooking, crafting, service,
visiting teaching, temple sessions, painting the living room, family
history, sightseeing, musical performances, antiquing, gardening —
there are hundreds of activities you could do together.
she lives at home or far away, these activities will (1) have
intrinsic value and therefore uplift everyone involved, (2) give you
something to talk about and (3) be fun.
sure the activities are fun to her. And that they have no direct
relation to any of the improvements she knows you wish she’d
make. In other words, make sure your invitation is clearly an
invitation to get together for a good time, and not an attempt by you
to improve her.
listen to your daughter. You may discover that her life is more
interesting than you thought. You might discover qualities and
talents you didn’t know she had. You might grow to understand
her situation more thoroughly, and you may even discover ways you can
offer to help that she will appreciate.
your daughter is not just the girl you remember from her high school
days. She has grown and experienced life since then, especially if
her mission was difficult for her. Her goals and ideals are bound to
be different now than when she was a teenager. Your goal should be to
know her now, as she is today.
will not get a sense of whether you should back off or lean in, offer
to help or express confidence, give advice or hold back, unless you
have spent many hours listening to her and learning what is important
to her.
be thoughtful. In February, send her a Valentine. If you see that
her sneakers are falling apart, take her shoe shopping. If her
apartment is freezing all winter because her roommate is cheap, send
her some cozy slippers.
her notes from time to time, after you’ve had a nice chat or a
fun day, telling her what you appreciate about her. Give her a little
money for a pedicure when sandal season starts. Attend her ward on
the day she gives a talk or lesson, or be sure to ask how it went.
Make the little gestures that tell her you know her and love her, and
that you think she will receive with joy.
remember that your goal is a relationship with your daughter in which
she feels your unconditional love. She must know that your
acceptance and attention is not based on your hope that she will
change her life and improve herself, but rather on the fact that you
see her talents, that you enjoy her company and that you want to know
if she decides to take her life in a different direction, you will be
in a better position to provide encouragement, counsel and
assistance. But whether or not she ever asks for your help, your
love, understanding and acceptance will exert a positive influence on
the choices she makes.
you have a quandary, conundrum, or sticky situation in your life?
Click this button to drop Cyndie a line, and she’ll be happy to
answer your question in a future column. Any topic is welcome!
Cynthia Munk Swindlehurst spent her childhood in New Hampshire and her
adolescence in San Diego. She served a mission in Manaus Brazil. She
graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English and from
Duke University with a law degree.
She practiced law until her first child was born. She enjoys reading, tap
dancing, and discussing current events. She and her husband live in
Greensboro, North Carolina with their two sons.
Cyndie serves as the Sunbeams teacher in her ward.