"We seldom get into trouble when we speak softly. It is only when we raise our voices that the sparks fly and tiny molehills become great mountains of contention."
am 6'5', taller than the average young adult. I generally stand above
most crowds. The problem I have is that I have to look down when
talking to most people, especially girls. It is difficult to
meet young ladies’ eyes and hold a conversation when
getting a full frontal view.
there a way to let a sister know I am uncomfortable with my overhead
view without coming across as rude or creepy?
me imagine the situation. You are talking to a girl whose top does
not completely cover her top. You find this distracting, embarrassing
or both. You have a hard time looking at the girl’s face
because your eyes are — where, exactly? Are they darting to her
top or are they roving around the room looking for safe harbor? It
would, of course, be ungentlemanly if they were roving elsewhere.
this situation, it is your responsibility to point your eyes where
they ought to be, no matter what else draws your attention. When you
are talking to another person, your eyes should be on that person’s
face or on whatever object the two of you are discussing, like a
painting or a fireworks display.
rule still applies when a person’s appearance is distracting
because it reveals more than you feel comfortable looking at. You
must simply direct your eyes to the person’s face and ignore
the rest. You can also try one of the following:
Back up a few feet or sit down to talk, thus changing your line of sight;
Converse while walking, so your eyes will necessarily look forward;
Converse while engaging in some activity, like grilling hamburgers, so your eyes will have something specific to look at;
End the conversation and go talk to someone else;
Talk to taller girls.
you cannot do is say, “Marcie, excuse me, but I think your
neckline is a little lower than you think it is. Could you pull it up
a bit?”
matter how delicately you say this, Marcie will hear, “I’m
looking down your shirt.” She will think, “What a jerk.”
She may gasp, stare at you in disbelief, laugh or say, “So why
don’t you look somewhere else?” If you’re lucky,
she will only mutter it and not proclaim it for the whole room to
hear. Then, she will walk off.
will tell her friends — perhaps immediately, perhaps soon after
— what you said and where you were looking. And even if Marcie
felt more humiliated than offended, her friends will be offended on
her behalf. Word will spread that you are a lecher, a pervert and a
creep. Being thought rude will be the least of your problems.
if Marcie was wearing, from an objective point of view, a low-cut
top, you will still look like a creep. Most people will agree that no
matter what Marcie was wearing, it was your responsibility to point
your eyes where they ought to be. They will also agree that it was
not your place to tell Marcie that her clothing was immodest.
therefore advise you to look only at a person’s face when you
are conversing and to ignore whatever the person is or is not
wearing. If a person’s clothing makes you uncomfortable, you
should look elsewhere, ignore it or go talk to someone else. You
cannot control what other people wear, but you can control your eyes.
will be tall for the rest of your life. You must learn this
have four more thoughts.
are you sure this problem is because you are tall? Have you
considered that you simply tend to talk to girls in lower-cut tops?
If so, and if you end up feeling uncomfortable during these
conversations, you might try talking to girls wearing higher
you might ask yourself if you have a particularly narrow view of how
much coverage is enough coverage. It is possible you come from a
home or a ward where showing skin below the collarbone is considered
risqué. This view is not typical, and you might consider that
modesty does not mean swathing any skin within six inches of a breast
in opaque layers of fabric.
this rule does not apply when a person is having an actual wardrobe
failure. For example, if a button has come undone, a skirt hem
has been tucked into a person’s stockings, or a zipper is down.
your conversation partner is experiencing a wardrobe failure, it is
your duty to discreetly but directly alert her to the problem.
“Jenna,” you’d say quietly but clearly, without
allowing your eyes to dart to the wardrobe problem, “I’m
sorry, but I think one of the buttons on your blouse has come
you would immediately avert your eyes and turn enough to shield her
from public view as she rights the problem.
for women, there is a simple solution if you wish to prevent men from
looking down your top — even inadvertently. Simply look
down at yourself after you get dressed. If you can see down your own
shirt, so can someone else.
you have a quandary, conundrum, or sticky situation in your life?
Click this button to drop Cyndie a line, and she’ll be happy to
answer your question in a future column. Any topic is welcome!
Cynthia Munk Swindlehurst spent her childhood in New Hampshire and her
adolescence in San Diego. She served a mission in Manaus Brazil. She
graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English and from
Duke University with a law degree.
She practiced law until her first child was born. She enjoys reading, tap
dancing, and discussing current events. She and her husband live in
Greensboro, North Carolina with their two sons.
Cyndie serves as the Sunbeams teacher in her ward.