"We seldom get into trouble when we speak softly. It is only when we raise our voices that the sparks fly and tiny molehills become great mountains of contention."
moved to a new ward recently, and many of the young women wear short
skirts to church. I don’t mean an inch or two above the knee. I
mean short skirts that don’t even reach halfway to their
knees. I have Primary-age daughters and it bothers me to see these
teenagers in clothes that don’t remotely meet Church standards.
it crazy that this bothers me? Should I say something to someone
about it?
don’t think you’re crazy. Still, I don’t think you
should allow yourself to be bothered by other people’s
clothing, even if it is objectively inappropriate for church
meetings. And super short skirts do not belong in any place of
worship, whether or not they are tolerated and their wearers welcomed
in the spirit of charity.
I don’t think saying something to someone is the right approach
to your problem. Your problem is not how you will alert someone to
the issue of inappropriate church dress that sets a bad example for
younger children. Your problem is how you will teach your own
daughters about modesty despite these bad examples. You also need to
know how you should react when you encounter inappropriate dress (of
any kind) at church.
What? To Whom?
problem with your idea of saying something to someone is all the
details. To whom, exactly, would you say something? And how do you
expect them to reply? And do about it?
example, you could approach the bishop or the Young Women leaders.
They would listen respectfully, and may even validate your concerns.
But I can almost promise you that they have already noticed the
problem (just like they would notice if half the Deacons quorum got
tattoos) and are already working on it. So expressing your concern to
them would not actually be helpful.
should not approach the young women’s parents. No matter
how much you disapprove, and no matter how convinced you are that you
would not allow your daughters to wear such clothing, their parenting
decisions are none of your business. You don’t know what is
happening in their homes, and it is not your place to criticize them
or their daughters.
is it a good idea to approach other ward members to see if they agree
with you or what they think could be done. You must always be careful
not to gossip, and criticizing a young woman’s skirt to other
ward members is gossip.
do think you might talk to the Primary president, the activity days
leader and your daughters’ Primary teachers. These sisters (and
perhaps a brother teacher) may appreciate knowing that modesty is a
particular topic of concern to you as they prepare instruction and
activities for the Primary.
Your Daughters the Doctrine
is, of course, your responsibility to teach your family about
modesty. First, I suggest you teach your daughters the actual
doctrine of modesty, that men and women should dress and behave
modestly to show respect for their bodies and commitment to God. The
Church’s Youth website has useful references and resources on
this topic.
don’t tell your daughters, for example, that modesty is just
for girls, or that girls are supposed to be modest in order to
prevent boys from having impure thoughts, or that they should dress
modestly so people don’t think ill of them.
is some validity to the latter two of those ideas that would be silly
to deny. But you should focus on the real, motivating doctrine, which
is our desire to show respect and love for God.
it is your responsibility to set your family’s rules about
modesty. You must teach your children that your family follows the
rules no matter what the rest of the ward, school, dance class,
sports team or extended family is doing.
must teach that there are no special occasions where modesty is not
required. In fact, it is best if your children expect, from a young
age, to look and dress differently from their peers.
can be hard to wear clothes and styles that are different from what
is popular. So be compassionate and supportive if your children feel
uncomfortable being different. Help them adapt popular styles in a
way that is modest. This may be hard for you if you are not
interested in clothes or fashion, but stretch your imagination, try
your best and ask your stylish sister-in-law for help.
point out positive role models in your ward and community. There are
certainly people around you who are modest and cute, and you want
your girls to see and focus on the good around them. Do not point out
negative examples of immodest clothing, especially at church. It
would not be right to teach your children by criticizing others.
set a good example. Your daughters know the standards, and they know
if you are not following them. They will not take you seriously if
you don’t practice what you preach.
to Do at Church
you should ignore the short skirts you see at church. Treat their
wearers as kindly as you would treat anyone else. It is rude to
comment on a person’s physical appearance unless you have
something overwhelmingly positive to say. If you have something
negative to say, you should keep it to yourself.
you should pretend that you do not notice inappropriate clothing. Or
frumpy dresses, unflattering haircuts, stained ties, scuffed shoes
and expanding waistlines.
is church, after all. We are there to learn charity and to show love
for others whether or not we approve of their physical appearance.
Indeed, if a young person deliberately wears inappropriate clothing
to church in order to set himself apart from the rest of the
congregation, that young person should be shown extra love and care.
compliment the young women who wear modest clothes. “That’s
a great dress, Lacey,” you might say with a smile. “I
love the color.” Everyone likes a sincere compliment. And a
compliment can reinforce to the young woman that she showed good
judgment when she chose her clothes for church.
if short skirts are the norm in your ward, the young women who don’t
wear them may be feeling awkward about their clothes. Compliments
from adult women in the ward will buoy these young women and support
give people a break. Remember that you don’t know the whole
story and that you are not the modesty police.
don’t know where the short skirt came from or who paid for it.
Perhaps Aunt Sylvia is visiting from Australia and brought the skirt
as a gift. Perhaps the young woman put it on, showed it to Aunt
Sylvia, and her parents didn’t know how to tell her to take it
off before church without embarrassing their guest.
don’t know how this young woman’s parents feel about
modesty. Perhaps they disagree with the whole antiquated notion.
Perhaps they don’t believe a short skirt (or a strapless dress
or a bikini) is a big deal. Perhaps they think modesty is something
you do after you are married.
don’t know what’s going on in their home. Perhaps they
battle their daughter every day over modesty, and the outfit she wore
to church today was a compromise. Or perhaps the family is having
other problems, and the daughter’s clothing is not even in the
top fifty of their most pressing issues.
also don’t know how much the young woman has grown in the last
month. The skirt may have looked fine three weeks ago, and her mother
may have only noticed — with horror — its much-reduced
length as they walked into sacrament meeting.
you never know how hard it was to persuade that young woman to attend
church today, or with what reservations she came. Clucking and
tut-tutting at her outfit will not encourage her to return next week,
and it will reinforce any feelings she may have of not fitting in or
being unfairly judged. So be kind to her — and her parents.
Smile and say you are glad to see her.
you have a quandary, conundrum, or sticky situation in your life?
Click this button to drop Cyndie a line, and she’ll be happy to
answer your question in a future column. Any topic is welcome!
Cynthia Munk Swindlehurst spent her childhood in New Hampshire and her
adolescence in San Diego. She served a mission in Manaus Brazil. She
graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English and from
Duke University with a law degree.
She practiced law until her first child was born. She enjoys reading, tap
dancing, and discussing current events. She and her husband live in
Greensboro, North Carolina with their two sons.
Cyndie serves as the Sunbeams teacher in her ward.