"We seldom get into trouble when we speak softly. It is only when we raise our voices that the sparks fly and tiny molehills become great mountains of contention."
have just completed the research for my father's family history and
have recorded it in my online genealogy service. It was a big job.
problem is my newly-reactivated nephew. He is wandering around my
genealogy website and wreaking havoc with the family tree. Without
some basic training it is easy to match and merge families into
strange shapes. How do I suggest that this sweet nephew get training
without discouraging his interest in family history work?
a side note, because of family dynamics I cannot be the one to
provide that training.
on your family history success. You have probably spent hundreds of
hours on this project. And you’ve done a great service for your
family. I wish I could give you technical advice about preventing the
perversion of your work online. But I cannot.
sound familiar with the website you use, and I assume you would have
blocked changes to your father’s family tree if that were
also assuming that your nephew has less information about the family
history than you do, and that his changes are wrong. It is, of
course, possible that he knows something you don’t. But if
you’re confident in your research, we can proceed to the rest
of your question.
want to know how to encourage your nephew to get training in family
history without discouraging his interest in that subject. That is a
noble goal. And if he is truly interested in doing family history, he
will welcome your suggestion.
you must admit that even though you love your nephew and would like
to see him productively engaged with family history, what you really
want, most of all, is for him to stop messing with the family history
you have already put together.
one can blame you. You have spent hundred of hours working on your
research and recording the results. It is neither unkind nor
unreasonable of you to want to prevent your nephew from messing up
the work you’ve done. Even if his intentions are good, he is
doing harm, and he must be stopped.
have three suggestions.
ask him not to make any more changes to your online family tree.
Be kind, of course. But also be clear and direct. Don’t hint,
“You sure have to be careful on that website. Funny things can
happen.” Or, “You know, I was so confused by all the
people named ‘Jane’ when I started doing our family
history. I made a lot of mistakes.”
of these statements says what you want to say. Instead, they hint at
what you want to say and put an unfair burden on your nephew to read
your mind.
be direct. The conversation will probably be uncomfortable, but there
is no comfortable way to say what you need to say. Being direct is
the best approach because it does not prolong his discomfort.
you may say, “I noticed that you were making changes to our
family history website last week.” Then wait for him to
respond. Then, continue in a sympathetic tone. “Well, it
changed the entire family tree and I had to go back and correct it. I
know you didn’t mean to, but would you please not make any
changes to what I’ve got on the site? If you come across new
research, of course, I’d love to hear about it.”
should try to be both direct and tactful. Show tact by talking with
him privately and respectfully instead of upbraiding or poking fun at
him in front of the family. Start and end the conversation with
something positive, and make it clear by your tone and expression
that you’re not angry or even irritated.
give him the benefit of the doubt: He didn’t know his website
wanderings would actually change the information stored there. He
probably assumed (justifiably, I think) that it would be nuts if
anyone could change the family tree entries so easily and without
your idea that your nephew may be interested in family history and
would benefit from training is a good one. So after you ask him
not to change the online family record, tell him how he can learn
more about doing family history.
is the time to be encouraging and enthusiastic. “I’m glad
you were looking at the family history,” you could say. “I’ve
enjoyed doing the research. I took a class at the library last year
to get started. If you’re interested, I can have my friend
Sally Hopkins call you about the class she teaches.”
response to this offer will help you know if he’s actually
interested in family history. Whether or not he is, he now knows (1)
that he can’t just change the family tree records online and
(2) he should learn to do family history properly. He also knows (3)
that if he messes around on the website, you will find him and make
him talk about it. The prospect of such a conversation will probably
deter future fiddling.
don’t let this this conversation be the only one you have this
year with your nephew. The next time you see him, be sure to
greet him and talk about something pleasant. No matter what your
family dynamics are, don’t let a disagreement be the only time
you bother to talk to him.
you have a quandary, conundrum, or sticky situation in your life?
Click this button to drop Cyndie a line, and she’ll be happy to
answer your question in a future column. Any topic is welcome!
Cynthia Munk Swindlehurst spent her childhood in New Hampshire and her
adolescence in San Diego. She served a mission in Manaus Brazil. She
graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English and from
Duke University with a law degree.
She practiced law until her first child was born. She enjoys reading, tap
dancing, and discussing current events. She and her husband live in
Greensboro, North Carolina with their two sons.
Cyndie serves as the Sunbeams teacher in her ward.