mid-summer and easy for the kids to get bored if they do not have
enough to do. Here are fun summer projects that both kids and
parents and grandparents can enjoy.
Dolls: On this video, you will learn how to take unbleached
muslin and make several different rag dolls. You can make either
girl or boy dolls. The kids will have a wonderful time making these
and playing with them through the summer.
Farms: Those who like to get outside will find great fun in
making an ant farm. If you live close to a place that you can go to
find an anthill, you will be set. All you need is a large glass
bottle with a plastic lid that you can punch holes in and an anthill.
this fun video and you and see step by step how to make your farm, go
out and find an anthill and get the ants in. When you find the
anthill, shovel the dirt and ants into the container. For it to work
you need to get the queen ant, and you cannot be sure until you give
them a few days to work to know if you have succeeded.
would be fun to have the kids read about ants from book you get at
the library before building the farm. An ant farm can also be
purchased from the Internet.
Pizza Garden: It only
takes about 6 weeks for a pizza garden to grow, so there is still
time this summer for the kids to have fun making a pizza garden. In
this video you will see step by step how to create the circle to
plant the garden in. After the garden is planted the kids will have
fun watering and watching the plants grow the rest of the summer.
When the vegetables are ready you can make a pizza with the tomatoes,
onions and peppers that were grown in your pizza garden.
Complete Library Package:Get
the whole enchilada — all seven items. Save 60% off the retail
price of $119.93 — now only $49.99. It’s all here: the
books Holiday Fun
Year-Round, Fun
at Home, Roughing
It Easy, Recipes
for Roughing It Easy,
Backyard Roughing It Easy,
and two DVDs: Dutch
Oven Cooking and
Creative Holiday Ideas. You’ll be ready for anything!
outdoor camping adventures to creative home activities, these books
will give you power-packed ideas to create memories your whole family
will cherish. An excellent gift for anyone looking for fun,
clever and exciting ideas. 5
books / 2 DVDs go to
Dian Thomas was blessed with the good fortune to be born near and raised in
the remote, breathtaking Manti-La Sal National Forest in southeastern Utah,
where her father was the forest ranger. She took the skills she learned in the
outdoors and turned them into a New York Times best-selling book, Roughing It
Easy. Her appearance on the NBC's "Tonight" show with Johnny Carson
boosted her into the national media scene, where she became a regular on
NBC's "Today" show for eight years and then ABC's "Home Show" for six years.
After more than 25 years of media exposure and 19 books, she now shares her
practical insights and wisdom with audiences who want to savor life.
A former Relief Society president, Dian is currently serving as a visiting
teacher. Visit her website at