Photos by Dian Thomas and Blaine Hobbes; article by Marv Hoole
Marvelous varieties of
tulips, and the other principal bulb flowers of crocuses, daffodils,
and hyacinths, are grown privately and commercially all over The
Netherlands. Their commercial cultivation, however, takes place
mainly in Holland — the provinces of North and South Holland
that rim the country's west coast along the North Sea (that lies
between Great Britain and Scandinavia).
Why? The Netherlands is
the delta of the northwestern European rivers Rhine, Maas, and Yssel
that flow northward from Germany and France. Their silt gave The
Netherlands its rich clay. And the Holland provinces have largely
been reclaimed from the sea, which yielded sand that drains rather
than holds water. (It rains a lot here.) This rich but unsoggy
mixture of clay and sand is optimal for cultivating bulbs.
Some of the various flowers that bloom in Holland in April.
The climate, too, is
ideal — cool and moist. The crocuses normally begin flowering
mid-March, then the daffodils, then the hyacinths, and finally the
tulips, which overlap the daffodils and hyacinths.
Hyacinths and tulips can often be seen growing together.
Mowers have to stay off the feet of an army of camera-toting tourists.
Depending on the year's
weather the prime of tulip-time is the end of April — and then
it can be over quickly because the growers aggressively cut off the
flower heads (mechanically now), which produces larger bulbs and then
Not all of the flowers are in springtime colors.
There are also vast
areas of hot-houses in which flowers and house plants are grown.
Flowers are shipped daily all over the world by air, beginning in the
fall when outdoor temperatures cool and they can be brought to bloom
in the hot houses.
A spring rainstorm leaves drops on these yellow blossoms.
Tulips extend along an
amazing spectrum of varieties: early vs. late, cold-tolerant vs.
delicate (grown only in hot houses), short vs. tall (4" to 28"),
solid-colored vs. multi-colored, basic-colored vs. gradated,
single-petaled vs. double and quadruple-petaled, single-headed vs.
multiple-headed, solid-colored vs. variegated (striped) petals (and
even stems), solid-petaled vs. variegated-petaled, trim-petaled vs.
fringe-petaled, round-petaled vs. flute-petaled, short-petaled vs.
long-petaled, open-headed vs. closed-headed — and combinations
of all the foregoing.
Tulips seem to be planted with laser precision.
There are carpets of tulips everywhere.
There are more than
3,700 registered varieties of tulips. The names the growers give them
(always in English) can be as creative and fascinating as the tulips
themselves: Aladdin, Apricot Beauty, Ballade, Blushing Lady, Calypso,
Conqueror, Dark Secret, Day Dream, Early Sensation, Eastern Pearl,
Fire Bird, First Love, Gala Beauty, Geisha, Halloween, Heart's
Delight, Ice Princess, Ivory Glory, Jacqueline, John F. Kennedy,
King's Orange, Kiss, Largo, and Laughing Girl to name a few.
Some of the flowers defy description.
Some of them are describable, but are just as pleasing to the eye.
Similarly, you'd love
the precious little daffodils with long protruding snouts called
Peeping Tom and those with multiple tiny heads grouped together
called Tete-a-Tete.
Where do tulips come from?
Here is yet another field of dreams.
Dian is the author of
numerous best-seller fun idea books. Go to
to see the specials on her books.
Dian Thomas was blessed with the good fortune to be born near and raised in
the remote, breathtaking Manti-La Sal National Forest in southeastern Utah,
where her father was the forest ranger. She took the skills she learned in the
outdoors and turned them into a New York Times best-selling book, Roughing It
Easy. Her appearance on the NBC's "Tonight" show with Johnny Carson
boosted her into the national media scene, where she became a regular on
NBC's "Today" show for eight years and then ABC's "Home Show" for six years.
After more than 25 years of media exposure and 19 books, she now shares her
practical insights and wisdom with audiences who want to savor life.
A former Relief Society president, Dian is currently serving as a visiting
teacher. Visit her website at