stepson has a mission call, a girlfriend, an obsession with the
girlfriend, some possibly resolved chastity issues (possibly not) and
some contradictions between what he told his brother and what we
think he told his bishop.
I have fear, anger,
confusion, a difficult time feeling excited about his call, an
inability to communicate with him, and doubts that I'm properly
respecting his privacy and sustaining the bishop.
think you need to back off.
have complete sympathy for your position. You think your son is
unprepared and possibly unworthy to be a missionary. When you think
of him on a mission, all you can see is a train wreck waiting to
happen. You imagine the shame and difficulty of him coming home early
or doing a terrible job.
wonder why the bishop didn’t catch the problem and do something
about it. You have tried and tried to talk to your son, but he
doesn’t listen.
I understand your concern. I would be concerned, too.
there comes a point when you have said your piece, offered your
advice, and made your position known. And despite your efforts to
persuade, the person is not persuaded.
this point, the foremost question in your mind should be, “Should
I say something? Or should I say nothing?”
can be great power in saying nothing. When you are silent, you are
more able to listen and observe. You are less likely to criticize.
The other person has a chance to talk. A relationship that has become
dominated by criticism, nagging, and disapproval can begin to repair.
As your relationship improves, the person will become more likely to
seek and heed your counsel. And you will be more aware of problems,
if any, that need your attention.
nothing does not mean you have given up. It is just another plan of
attack, in which you build your relationship with a person regardless
of your other disagreements. It is a way of showing unconditional
before you attempt to “communicate” anything else to your
son about his situation, stop and ask yourself if you should say
something, or say nothing.
your son has clearly been the topic of much conversation in your
family. To some degree, this is appropriate. There is nothing wrong
with a child telling a parent something about his sibling that causes
him great concern. And there is nothing wrong with the parents then
discussing the issue privately.
a family should not openly discuss the failings of one of its
members. So if you are discussing your son’s failings with his
siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, neighbors, ward members, or the
rest of the world, you need to stop. It is disloyal and disrespectful
to your son.
other points to ponder.
if you have doubts about whether you are respecting your son’s
privacy, you are probably not respecting his privacy. Privacy between
minor children and their parents is a balance. The child’s
privacy interest is often properly outweighed by the parents’
interest in keeping the child safe.
your son is entering adulthood. To the extent you want to know the
exact nature of his sins and what he told the bishop, you are over
the line. If the bishop wants you to be involved, he will let you
what boys tell other boys they have done is often an exaggeration of
what really happened.
stop trying to break your son’s obsession with his girlfriend.
It will not work. Don’t spend any personal capital trying to
break them up or make him see sense.
I suggest you re-think what you mean when you say you have an
inability to communicate with your son. Instead of thinking that you
are not getting through, consider that he hears you loud and clear
but does not agree with you.
what does your spouse think? Does he share your concerns? If not,
perhaps things are not as dire as you think. And if you think your
spouse does not have an opinion, stop and wonder if he has actually
expressed an opinion that you have been unwilling to hear because you
do not agree with it.
no matter what you think of your son’s preparedness, it is not
your role to judge him worthy or not to serve a mission. That is the
bishop’s job.
it seems you expected your son to change in some fundamental way as
he prepared for a mission. And that you expected the bishop to be
instrumental in this transformation.
bishops cannot make people change. And they don’t always
or automatically know when people are not telling the truth. Instead,
people are held accountable for what they tell the bishop during an
polled a number of bishops on what they would wish a parent in your
position to do, and I got as many answers as I asked bishops. Even
those who gave me similar answers gave different reasons for their
said he would absolutely want you to come and talk with him so he
could ask your son more pointed questions in future interviews. One
said he would want you to talk with him because you are carrying a
burden. One said he would advise you to talk to your stepson directly
and asked why you didn’t talk to the bishop before your
son started the mission interview process. One said you should butt
out and mind your own business.
one thing they all agreed on is that if you go to your bishop with
your suspicions about your son’s worthiness, you will be making
an accusation against him. You will be asked to provide evidence. And
you will be asked to leave the issue in the bishop’s hands.
they agreed on two things. The other is that is doesn’t matter
if he is your son or stepson. They all felt that your duty to him as
a parent was the same.)
your son wants to serve a mission!
is no small thing! Missions are not (in my experience) Disneyland
fun. His willingness to go is a righteous desire that will grow and
give place for other righteous desires. Even if he is only doing it
to meet his girlfriend’s or his family’s expectations, it
is still an act of obedience and faith.
think of something about your son that will make him a wonderful
missionary, and tell him about it. Let him know that you have
confidence in his ability to serve.
you have a quandary, conundrum, or sticky situation in your life?
Click this button to drop Cyndie a line, and she’ll be happy to
answer your question in a future column. Any topic is welcome!
Cynthia Munk Swindlehurst spent her childhood in New Hampshire and her
adolescence in San Diego. She served a mission in Manaus Brazil. She
graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English and from
Duke University with a law degree.
She practiced law until her first child was born. She enjoys reading, tap
dancing, and discussing current events. She and her husband live in
Greensboro, North Carolina with their two sons.
Cyndie serves as the Sunbeams teacher in her ward.