My bedroom is
shin-deep in dirty laundry. My kids’ rooms are strewn with
dirty laundry. My laundry room is full of laundry, but I’ve
lost track of whether it’s dirty, clean, or ruined by crayons
that went through the dryer.
My dresser drawers
and closets are empty, because all of the clothes are dirty.
Sometimes I just wear less-dirty clothes because there is nothing
else to wear. This can’t go on, but I’m completely
overwhelmed just thinking about all the laundry I need to do, and I
don’t know where to start.
If my house were
shin-deep in dirty laundry, I would feel overwhelmed, too. You have a
lot of work ahead of you.
The problem here is
that doing your laundry has become an enormous, all-consuming,
all-day (or all-week) project. And you are not doing it. We need to
change that. You need to think of laundry as something that runs in
the background of your day-to-day life. It’s something that you
do every day, but it’s not the main event.
Don’t groan!
You can do this! You can get over whatever mental hurdle is keeping
you from washing your clothes. It’s a skill that anyone can
learn. If you are skilled enough to get married and have children,
you are skilled enough to do laundry. And the more you do it, the
easier it will become.
Do you resent doing
the laundry? Are you lazy? Figure out why and get over it. No one is
too good to do his own laundry. And unless you can afford a laundry
service, you have no other option.
Here is the system I
Rule 1: All dirty
clothes go into a laundry basket.
To make this work,
you will need laundry baskets for every bedroom: one for darks and
one for whites. For small children who have small clothes, one basket
may be enough. But the idea is to have the laundry basically sorted
from the moment it goes into the hamper. For your own bedroom, get a
third, smaller laundry basket for delicates.
You need big, sturdy
plastic baskets into which dirty clothes can be tossed with ease.
Tall, rectangular baskets are best for ferrying clean, folded
clothes, and they take up less room. Choose easy-to-carry baskets
that look like they will last a long, long time.
Don’t be
seduced by fancy three-bin laundry sorters with removable cloth bags.
You don’t need to mess with removable cloth bags. And don’t
use regular woven baskets—they crack over time and snag your
clothes and the color can bleed onto your clothes and carpet. Cloth
laundry bags may seem attractive, but it’s much harder to get
dirty clothes into a drawstring bag. And you need to make this as
easy as possible.
Rule 2: Every
morning, check the laundry baskets. See which one is full. Take three
minutes to sort the clothes into loads, checking all pockets. Then,
put a load in the washer. In an hour or two (or when you get home
from work or errands), transfer the wet clothes to the dryer. Then
put the next load of dirty clothes in the washer.
For this step,
you’ll need a trash can for the crayons, stickers, napkins and
other treasures you’ll find in people’s pockets. My
favorite trash cans are the kind with notches in the rim that hold
used grocery bags.
It will be easier if
you don’t mix laundry from different bedrooms. If smaller,
less-efficient loads are the price you pay for having a functioning
laundry system, so be it. Jeans are the exception to this. It’s
best to wash jeans separately, and they are fairly easy to collect
from and redistribute among family members.
Rule 3: When the
dryer is done, fold or hang the clean items immediately.
Do NOT dump your
clean, dry clothes into a laundry basket and leave them there. That
is how you got into the “I don’t know if it’s clean
or dirty” mess. And the “I’m overwhelmed with a
mountain of laundry” mess. Instead, fold or hang them when you
take them out of the dryer.
You will need about
five minutes to complete this step, so don’t try to do it while
you are cooking dinner or working on something else. This step will
be the most work, especially if you have never enjoyed folding
laundry, but it is the key to your laundry system. Also, it will
leave your clothes less wrinkled.
Hanging clothes is
easier than folding clothes. So get a bunch of hangars. If your
children cannot reach the closet rod, get them a stool.
Rule 4: After the
clothes are folded or hung, put them away.
If your children are
old enough, have them put away their own clothes. Inspect their work
to make sure they have put away the clothes correctly.
For this to work,
you need a place in every bedroom for clean clothes. Hangars,
obviously, go in the closet. But you also need to designate a place—a
drawer, a shelf, a bin—to put the clothes that don’t
hang, like socks, underwear, and jeans. Tell the bedroom’s
occupant where he can find these items and where he should put them
after they have been washed. This change is going to take a lot of
practice for your family.
That’s it!
That’s the system! It’s more work that you are used to,
but it’s the way to keep your laundry running smoothly without
letting it take over your life.
But even if you
start that system today, you still need to dig out of your current
mess. That’s going to take some dedicated work. Here is what
you will do.
First, go into your
bedroom. Make your bed.
Second, go into your
laundry room. Take any clean clothes into your room and put them on
your newly-made bed. Fold or hang them and put them away immediately.
Count that as your first finished load of the day! Good for you!
Third, get all of
the dirty clothes from the laundry room and your kids’ rooms
and add them to the piles in your room. Bring some Shout or other
stain-treating spray. If you cannot tell whether clothes are clean or
dirty, assume they are dirty. If you have a crayon-ruined load, keep
it separate. Once everything else is clean, call a friend who is good
with laundry and ask what to do with it.
Fourth, sort the
dirty clothes into separate loads: whites, darks, jeans, towels, etc.
Your goal is to have a whole bunch of piles on the floor, so each
time a load of laundry is clean and put away, you can easily grab the
next load to wash.
If you see spots and
stains as you sort, give them a squirt of Shout. Check all
pockets. If you come across an item that is stained, worn, or torn
beyond repair, throw it away. Don’t worry about being thrifty
and turning it into a rag. Just throw it away. And unless you
actually do all the projects you plan to do, don’t save
it for a quilt square or doll clothes or a repurposed anything.
And if it’s
too gross for you to wear, don’t donate it to the poor.
Fifth, as soon as
one of your piles is big enough to be a load of laundry, go put it in
the washer. When the wash cycle is done, put the wet clothes in the
That’s easy,
isn’t it? The machines do all the hard work!
Sixth, get the next
pile of clothes from your room. Put it in the washer.
Seventh, when the
dryer is done, take the clean clothes into your bedroom and put them
on your neatly-made bed. Hang everything that it makes sense to hang.
Fold everything else.
Don’t worry
about the ironing. You can iron later.
Eighth, hang the
hangers in the closet and put the folded clothes away.
You’ve done it! You have laundered and put away your clothes!
Take a moment to feel proud. Now repeat this process about twenty (or
thirty) times, and you will have drained your laundry swamp.
you have a quandary, conundrum, or sticky situation in your life?
Click this button to drop Cyndie a line, and she’ll be happy to
answer your question in a future column. Any topic is welcome!
Cynthia Munk Swindlehurst spent her childhood in New Hampshire and her
adolescence in San Diego. She served a mission in Manaus Brazil. She
graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English and from
Duke University with a law degree.
She practiced law until her first child was born. She enjoys reading, tap
dancing, and discussing current events. She and her husband live in
Greensboro, North Carolina with their two sons.
Cyndie serves as the Sunbeams teacher in her ward.