Leaving a Christmas
party one evening recently, my husband and I walked out the front
door of our friends’ home and stepped into a glistening, white
snowfall. Tiny crystallized flakes sparkled and fell, covering the
ground with a blanket of Christmas cheer, which bolstered my spirits
immensely, for I am a firm believer in the importance of a white
Only, it wasn’t
snowing. The sky was starry and clear, the street was dry and every
neighboring yard was brown and barren of the slightest hint of snowy
Our friend, a clever
engineer, had decided that if Mother Nature wasn’t going to
provide the gift of snow, he would manufacture it himself. With a bit
of research and an order placed for such parts with which I am not
very familiar but included names like pressure washer and compressed
air, combined with hoses and a ladder or some variety of similar
items, he rigged up a system that did indeed effectively produce the
desired result.
I shared a laugh with
a few others wondering what the neighbors would think the next
morning as they drove by this yard, radiant with its whiteness. I
imagined their surprised faces and perhaps double-takes as they took
note of this occurrence, an outward expression of Christmas joy.
As parents, are we
equipping our children with the correct “parts” to
produce in them an outward expression of Christmas joy, not only in
December but throughout their lives? Not the joy that comes with
Santa and gifts, candy canes and stockings, but that which
accompanies knowledge of the Savior and His divine birth, life and
They need the
scriptures, to read of His life and His service. I am grateful to my
Bishop’s inspired decision to focus this month’s
Sacrament meeting talks on the life of the Savior, from His humble
and miraculous birth to His mortal life and His simple, divine and
loving teachings and endless service rendered to others and His
atoning sacrifice. This should be the foundation of our children’s
They need
opportunities to serve. I am humbled and inspired by friends and
those around me who introduce the spirit of service to their children
from the youngest ages. I am grateful for opportunities for ward and
stake service projects, where even the smallest of hands can pull
weeds, pick up trash and leave their community a bit neater than it
was. One friend discusses with her children at dinner what random
acts of kindness were performed that day for family members.
They need Family Home
Evening, family prayer and other moments together where we can
develop, refine and share our testimonies of the Savior and our
efforts to follow Him.
They need regular
church attendance and participation in Primary to bolster parents’
teachings and to share with one another.
They need to hear our
own testimonies, and more important, to see them in action.
It is good to take
inventory as parents from time to time, and perhaps we might notice
that some of these parts are missing; in my life I know this happens
now and then. Take heart! The great supplier of these parts, even our
Father in Heaven, has them continually in stock if we but order them.
I am humbled and
inspired by children who have been given all of these parts,
resulting in a beautiful testimony and knowledge of their Savior and
Redeemer. With such things in place, children – and adults –
naturally give an outward expression of joy, during Christmas and
beyond, a peace that is visible to others and often causes others to
take note. In essence, it creates sparkling, bright examples to those
around them, in a world that all too often is dark, dry and barren.
The testimonies of
children can truly bring joy to the world.
Melissa Howell was born and raised in the woods of northern Minnesota. She has a degree in
journalism from the University of Minnesota.
As a single 20-something, she moved to Colorado seeking an adventure. She found one, first in
landing her dream job and then in landing her dream husband; four children followed.
Upon becoming a mother, she left her career in healthcare communications to be a stay-at-home
mom, and now every day is an adventure with her husband Brian and children Connor (9), Isabel
(6), Lucas (5) and Mason (2).
In addition, she is a freelance writer and communications consultant for a variety of
Melissa serves as Assistant director of media relations for stake public affairs and Webelos den leader