anyone else noticed that the recent blockbuster youth books seem to
weigh as much as baby rhinoceroses? Don't get me wrong. I love a
thousand-page Victorian novel as much as the next girl. But I also
love books whose size won't make slow readers cower in fear.
is a treat to find a book whose size won't scare away reluctant
readers, but whose content won't talk down to them. Although I love
Rebecca Stead's When You Reach Me, in its own right, I
especially love that Stead packs this book full of ideas, but keeps a
low word count.
their tight finances, sixth-grader Miranda and her single mother have
a good life in their 1970s New York City neighborhood. She has a
strong relationship with her mother, and her mother's boyfriend is a
nice guy (they've dubbed him “Mr. Perfect”). Her best
friend, Sal, lives in her apartment building, and they know how to
navigate their inner-city neighborhood. Miranda is happy.
things start to get weird. Sal gets punched by a kid they don't know,
and then Sal doesn't want to spend time with Miranda anymore.
Miranda's spare apartment key gets stolen, and to make matters worse,
she receives a strange letter from a sender that claims to be trying
to save her friend's life.
letters keep coming, and the sender seems to know things about her
life that even Miranda doesn't know — because they haven't
happened yet.
the midst of unraveling this mystery, Miranda also needs to figure
out life without Sal. She makes new friends, and through being a part
of their lives and challenges, she develops empathy, courage, and
mystery in this book will be easily solved by older readers, although
it should be spot on for middle grade readers. That said, I don't
think solving the mystery is the point of this book.
You Reach Me reads best as a tribute to Miranda's favorite book,
Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time. Stead's novel is full
of the virtues that made me love L'Engle's classic. I loved this
book's celebration of the power of thinking about big ideas, facing
daunting problems, and growing in empathy. And even though I could
see where it was going, I still enjoyed watching the twists unfold.
appreciated that the book was able to tackle complex issues while
still staying clean. The people Miranda encounters force her to face
racism, chronic illness, homelessness, and poverty. That said, there
is no substance abuse, language, or sexuality. I appreciate that it
manages to be gritty without having any content that would make me
hesitate to give it to my nephews.
You Reach Me is a lovely stand-alone book — a little
mystery, a little science fiction, and a whole lot of heart.
Read this book if...
loved Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time, Norton Juster's
The Phantom Tollbooth, and other classic youth fantasy
love science fiction and fantasy that doesn't require a realm map or
Klingon dictionary to understand — this one stays pretty close
to the world we are familiar with.
love anything that everything dealing with New York City —
Stead nails the feel of the city.
Cowles is a mother of two, living in the Washington D.C. suburbs.
Before motherhood, she used her masters in library and information
science in a law firm library. Now she uses it to find good books for
her family at her local public library. She teaches part time for a
SAT prep company, where she enjoys the challenge of making rather
dull subject matter interesting and making college a reality for her
students. During women's history month, she profiles Mormon women
that inspire her at ldswomenshistory.blogspot.com.
currently serves as a counselor in her ward's primary