that we have talked food storage, it’s time to jump in and
begin or to increase your efforts. How do you do that on a paycheck
to paycheck budget? We have been promised if we do our part the Lord
will provide a way to help us achieve our goals.
Spencer W. Kimball counseled: “Let’s
do these things because they are right, because they are satisfying,
and because we are obedient to the counsels of the Lord. In this
spirit we will be prepared for most eventualities, and the Lord will
prosper and comfort us. It is true that difficult times will come —
for the Lord has foretold them—and, yes, stakes of Zion are
“for a defense, and for a refuge from the storm.” (D&C 115:6.)
But if we live wisely and providently, we will be as safe as in the
palm of His hand.” *
B. Smith, former Relief Society general president said: “Life
is made up of small daily acts. Savings in food budgets come by
pennies, not only by dollars. Clothing budgets are cut by mending
stitch by stitch, seam by seam. Houses are kept in good repair nail
by nail. Provident homes come not by decree or by broad brushstroke.
Provident homes come from small acts performed well day after day.
When we see in our minds the great vision, then we discipline
ourselves by steady, small steps that make it happen.” (Ensign,
Nov. 1980, p. 86.)
do we eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do we secure food
storage? One small step, one day, at a time.
your change. At the end of each day empty pockets, wallets, purses
and the cup in the car where you dump your change. Place the money
in a jar, and by the end of the month you will be surprised how much
you have saved. Get the kids involved and each night at dinner or
family prayers ask them for their contributions. Promise them if
they help you will be sure to include their favorite desserts in
your food storage plan.
which stores give rainchecks. Always ask for a raincheck and be sure
to ask if the item on sale is regularly stocked or if it was just
brought in for that sale. At Christmas I asked for a raincheck at
Longs, and they told me the marshmallow cream I wanted was a
seasonal item. Sure enough, they never had it again. Darn! Wanted
that for smores in an emergency.
the store match a competitor’s price? If they will, you are
really in luck — no driving around town to take advantage of
sales. When I find an item in a sale flier that I want to purchase I
throw the flier in the car so as I run errands I am sure to have it
with me.
when sales begin. Around here grocery stores begin their sale week
on Wednesday. The discount pharmacy stores on Sunday. As you move
forward with our General Store this becomes very important. For
example, this week we are working on desserts (If you aren’t
following our stocking up schedule on facebook
go there now, “like” the page and select “get
notifications”). No one around here had brownie mixes on sale
but Wednesday the sales change so we have two chances to get that
favorite dessert on sale. Advice for future weeks: when we discuss
an item to be purchased that week, if it is on sale,
get it before Wednesday. If it is not on sale wait until Wednesday
(or whichever day of the week new sales begin) and see if it goes on
sale then. It's awful when you run out Monday to purchase something
and then on Wednesday it goes on sale. Do keep up however,
and don't wait until next week or you will fall behind in obtaining
your three-month supply.
up for custoner rewards cards.
your prices. You may want to start a list in your binder with a
column for the items and columns for the stores you frequent. Copy
prices from your sales receipts onto the list and before long you
will have a record of where an items can be purchased the least
expensively. If you want to accomplish this more quickly, take your
older children with you and give each one a list of items to price.
Go to several stores, and compile a complete list when you get home.
This will also teach children to become wise shoppers, as they see
the price differences can be considerable. Now when a store has a
sale you will know if it is a real bargain or just so-so.
the seasonal sales. Many grocery store items are on sale every six
weeks. Others have a 12-week cycle and some are seasonal. We will
add seasonal items to your General Store when it is appropriate but
you should also have your own list of those times for when you are
restocking as you rotate.
can be found in many places. As for newspapers, the Sunday paper,
local coupons appear in weekday ads, paper carriers often have extra
papers, some schools supply newspapers to classrooms and you may be
able to get the old papers and clip the coupons (get to know a
teacher) and of course there are many internet sites now where you
can print coupons. Share with friends. Ask friends for their
newspapers or begin a swap group at work, church or with other
soccer moms. Magazines have coupons. If you find one while waiting
in the dentist's office or at the hairdresser, ask if you can clip
your own car. When you wash your car fill a bucket with soapy water.
Rinse the car, turn off the water, soap up the car, rinse again and
turn off the water as you dry and clean the inside.
from scratch. Cookies and bread are much, much cheaper to make at
home. Some packages foods such as pasta dinners may seem cheap, but
they are so small you need several to feed a family and you still
need to add veggies and a protein.
your food and drinks with you when traveling or going to your
children’s sporting events. Pack a lunch or just the fixins
and stop at a park or nice rest area to eat.
breakfast for dinner.To stretch your food budget and free up
money for storage items, eat breakfast for dinner at least once a
week. Last night we had eggs, hash browns, applesauce and juice for
dinner. All were made from scratch, of course. The eggs were 40
cents, potatoes 20 cents, onion 10 cents, butter 5 cents, applesauce
50 cents, juice 50 cents, for a total of $1.75 for an entire meal
for two. For fun, figure out what you spent on dinner last night.
How much could you have saved by eating breakfast for dinner
your freezer full. Really full. If you can't afford to stock it with
meat, then fill old juice bottles with water and freeze them. This
is great in a power outage, because they keep foods frozen longer
and provide safe drinking water when they melt. The more full the
freezer, the less electricity it takes to keep the temperature below
out the laundry. I don't like to dry towels on a line because they
are stiff but I love the smell and feel of other items that
are line-dried. This may be a necessity during a power outage, so
you should have a way to do this planned out just in case. Practice
now and save money.
your own laundry detergent. There are recipes on the internet.
ceiling fixtures with fans. They are great! Most times you will not
need the air conditioning at all, or at least very little if you
keep your fans cranked up. (This depends on where in the country
you live, of course.) Ceiling fans are also great for the patio
because they allow you to spend more time outdoors during hot
months. More time outdoors means less time needing an air
the cost of a babysitter with friends when you want to go out. You
babysit one week and they return the favor the next. Naturally this
is only a good strategy when you have children of similar ages and
only a few between you.
dinner at home.If you like to go out for a date night with
your honey, eat before you goout. Find a great
restaurant or ice cream parlor and just have a great dessert. If you
want to eat out occasionally, find out what nights your favorite
hangouts have special deals or if they have hours with reduced
pricing. Many places offer the same meals at a reduced price before
"rush hour", from 4-5 o'clock, for example.
checking account fees. I hate bank fees. With so many free checking
account plans available, there's no reason to pay a fee. And if the
bank happens to charge you one, ask them to reverse the fee or take
your business to another bank.
old clothes.Cleaning out closets not only declutters and
makes you feel better but it can also provide hours of entertainment
for kids. Take those old clothes and shoes, clean them up and give
them as birthday gifts to be use for dress up. If dresses are too
long either hem them with iron on hemming tape or just cut them off.
If you sew cut the clothes down and remake them for younger family
members. If you don’t sew, now is a great time to learn.
to Cook.Really. There are so many cooking shows on TV now,
and most of us have a friend or family member who we look forward to
inviting us over for dinner because they are such great cooks. Ask
one of those great chefs to teach you or watch a food show with a
paper and pencil and take notes. Once you learn a few basics, you
will be able to create yummy meals from scratch — much less
expensive than prepared foods.
leftovers. When you are preparing a recipe and have leftover onion,
celery, or peppers, chop them up and store them in the freezer until
you need that ingredient again. We have all thrown away extra
ingredients because they degrade to the point of yuk and we toss
them. Frozen ingredient veggies such as these are not good to use in
fresh foods but they are great for casseroles, soups, stews and even
Thanksgiving stuffing.
leftovers. I usually purchase whole chickens when they are on sale
— big savings — and bake them for a meal. There are
always leftovers. I have a family who does not really enjoy having
the same meal two days in a row. How do I use left over chicken?
There are so many ways — chicken and rice, chicken tacos,
chicken enchiladas, chicken fajitas, chicken cacciatore, chicken
salad, Chinese chicken salad, chicken pot pie and the list goes on.
These are all also great alternatives for what to do with all that
left overturkey at Thanksgiving. All leftover meats should be looked
at not as leftovers but as an ingredient for another meal.
turn down free food.
I had someone jokingly say they always lock their car during the
summer when they park in the church parking lot or they come out to
find a bag a zucchini in the back seat. Many foods that our friends
grow can be easily canned or frozen, another skill to learn if your
don't know how. Others, like zucchini, are not great canned. It is
good frozen for use in soups and stews but I like to use it as an
ingredient first, and then freeze it. This can be done with all
sorts of foods. Make zucchini bread and freeze it. Wrap it carefully
and it will last for months. Chocolate zucchini cake is also
wonderful! It can easily be frozen and then frosted when you are
ready to use it. Last week my husband was craving sweets so I made
carrot cake cup cakes with half of the recipe and a carrot cake loaf
(baked it in a bread pan) with the rest. Next time that craving hits
I can whip out the loaf and I'm done. Tell everyone you know that
you are available to glean or take their extra produce. If you need
suggestions and recipes to use unfamiliar foods you are given just
ask our facebook
There are lots of great cooks there!
rid of the breakfast cereals for this month. Eat oatmeal, cream of
wheat, eggs and toast, or pancakes instead. All are a fraction of
the cost. If you have to have juice with your breakfast purchase
juice that is on sale or frozen concentrate and cut down the serving
size to half. Forget the bacon and sausage. Remember you are saving
money now so you can build a General Store and have more freedom
carbs. I know you don't want to do this every night but a few nights
a week will save big. Spaghetti does not need to include meat sauce
or meatballs. Fried rice is easy, cheap and a great way to use up
leftover veggies and meat. Other very inexpensive meals are soups,
split pea and potato are easy and cheap. Homemade pizza is another
frugal meal. Make homemade dough, seriously easy to do, use the
cheapest spaghetti sauce you can find,you will only need half the
jar or less, or season tomato sauce, add a little cheese and any
fresh veggies, olives, or meats you have left over or on the shelves
in your general store. Freeze the remaining spaghetti sauce for
pizza next week.
have dozens of tips I have used to save money so I could allocate
more to food storage. These are but a few. You can do this no matter
what your income. You just need to take that first step and be
willing to make a few small changes. Before long, unlike Mother
Hubbard, your cupboards will no longer be bare.
of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball,
Chapter 11: Provident Living: Applying Principles of Self-Reliance
and Preparedness, From the Life of Spencer W. Kimball, 115
Carolyn Nicolaysen grew up in New Jersey and joined the Church while attending Central
College in Pella, Iowa. With a degree in Home Economics, she later worked as a high school
teacher, and served as an elected trustee of her local school board. Carolyn has taught personal
and family preparedness to all who will listen. Having lived in areas that were threatened by
winter storms, hurricanes and tornadoes, and now living in an earthquake prone area, she has
developed a passion for preparedness. Carolyn started her own business, TotallyReady, when she
saw the need for higher quality emergency information that could truly sustain families in a
Carolyn is FEMA trained and is an Amateur Radio first responder. She serves as Relief Society
president of her California ward.
Carolyn is the author of three ebooks, Mother Hubbard, What She's Doing Now (food storage
for the 21st century), Prep Not Panic (preparing for a pandemic of medical emergency) and That
Won't Happen to Me (a discussion of disaster preparations). She has also authored a glove box
book, Totally Ready for the Road and writes a monthly newsletter and the Totally Ready
facebook page.