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April 9, 2014
Totally Ready for Anything
So You Think You Are Too Broke
by Carolyn Nicolaysen

Now that we have talked food storage, it’s time to jump in and begin or to increase your efforts. How do you do that on a paycheck to paycheck budget? We have been promised if we do our part the Lord will provide a way to help us achieve our goals.

President Spencer W. Kimball counseled: “Let’s do these things because they are right, because they are satisfying, and because we are obedient to the counsels of the Lord. In this spirit we will be prepared for most eventualities, and the Lord will prosper and comfort us. It is true that difficult times will come — for the Lord has foretold them—and, yes, stakes of Zion are “for a defense, and for a refuge from the storm.” (D&C 115:6.) But if we live wisely and providently, we will be as safe as in the palm of His hand.” *

Barbara B. Smith, former Relief Society general president said: “Life is made up of small daily acts. Savings in food budgets come by pennies, not only by dollars. Clothing budgets are cut by mending stitch by stitch, seam by seam. Houses are kept in good repair nail by nail. Provident homes come not by decree or by broad brushstroke. Provident homes come from small acts performed well day after day. When we see in our minds the great vision, then we discipline ourselves by steady, small steps that make it happen.” (Ensign, Nov. 1980, p. 86.)

How do we eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do we secure food storage? One small step, one day, at a time.

I have dozens of tips I have used to save money so I could allocate more to food storage. These are but a few. You can do this no matter what your income. You just need to take that first step and be willing to make a few small changes. Before long, unlike Mother Hubbard, your cupboards will no longer be bare.

*Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W. Kimball, Chapter 11: Provident Living: Applying Principles of Self-Reliance and Preparedness, From the Life of Spencer W. Kimball, 115

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