"We are not measured by the trials we meet -- only by those we overcome."
- - Spencer W. Kimball
November 12, 2013
"Seasoned Greetings" Rice Mixes
by Joni Hilton

Here's a brand new idea of mine, a treat I'm giving to friends this Christmas, and something I invite you to copy.  It's a gift from the kitchen that's a snap to assemble, and keeps in pantry until they're ready to use it.  The challenge came from www.LarderLove.com, and I'm happy to contribute this easy recipe.  Here's how it looks:

I made three different batches of seasoned rice: An Italian one, a Tex-Mex one, and a savory one that simply includes a great blend of herbs and spices that would go with anything.  You can see some of the spices I used, in the background. This recipe is for just 2 cups, but you can double or triple it, to make several gifts. 

Here's how to make your rice mixture:

2 cups rice, any kind you choose
4 tablespoons seasoning (look for spice blends of Cajun, Tuscan, Southwest, Garlic-Herb, Caribbean, and so on)
2 teaspoons bouillon granules, optional, if you want the rice to cook in a broth

Just stir it together in a bowl, then pour it into your container. I used a funnel for these bottles. You could use bottles like the ones I chose, mason jars, tins, cellophane bags — whatever you like. Just be sure your container holds at least one cup.

I'm attaching a tag that says, "Seasoned Greetings!  Boil 2 cups of water, add one cup of rice mixture, cover and simmer for 20 minutes* to make a tasty side dish!  Add butter if you wish.  And use the bottle for oil, once it's empty (it holds 2 cups)."  Tie on the tag and a fluffy bow, and you have a wonderful Christmas gift!

*Check your rice package to see how long your rice should boil. Brown rice or wild rice takes a lot longer than standard white rice. 

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About Joni Hilton

Joni is an award-winning playwright, the author of 20 books, holds a master of fine arts degree in professional writing from USC, and is frequently published in major magazines. Tune in to her radio advice show at AM1380, at 9 a.m. Pacific Time, on saturday mornings.

A former TV talk show host in Los Angeles, she is also a TV spokeswoman across the U.S. for various corporations, and highly in demand as a public speaker.

Hilton writes for Music and The Spoken Word for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and is a columnist for Meridian Magazine.

Hilton's books can be found at Goodreads, CreateSpace, Amazon, Deseret Book, and at MormonAuthors. Reviews are also available at these same sites.

She is founder and former CEO of Holy Cow, an organic line of cleaning products, the winner of dozens of cooking contests, and a former model and Miss California. She is married to TV personality Bob Hilton, and they are the parents of four children.

Feel free to follow Joni at Twitter and on Facebook. Her website is at http://cookingwithjoni.blogspot.com/.

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