"Character is the one thing we make in this world and take with us into the next."
- - Ezra Taft Benson
May 10, 2013
Finding Comfort Food That You Love
by Dian Thomas

When I have flashbacks of the long ago days when almost any rich delicious food was a comfort food for me, I also remember the aches and pains and how hard it was to get around when I weighed more than 300 pounds.

I am always on the lookout for healthy, delicious and nutritious foods.

At Thanksgiving, my sister-in-law, Cherrie Thomas, served me one that I came right home and fixed -- and I've made several times since. She had sliced yams into quarter-inch slices and then put them on an oiled cookie sheet with just a little butter (I use a little olive oil) and roasted them in the oven. Wow! They tasted like a vegetable candy. Like anything else, portion control is key, so I limited a serving to ½ cup per serving.

Holidays are often a tough time to get through as parties are loaded with food that can put weight on you the minute you look at the food. I like to prepare foods that I will look forward to but do not put on the pounds. Here are a few of my favorites.

1. Apple and Grape-Nuts: I always have an apple when I have a bowl of whole grain cereal in the morning. I am allergic to milk so I used vanilla soymilk that I get at Costco. I am set with a great start in the morning. I also like to use 1 cup shredded wheat in place of the grape-nuts.

2. Frozen fruit shake: Ice cream custard was one of my favorites long ago, so I had to find a shake that would take its place and satisfy my craving for my old shake. I now buy a bunch of bananas in the store and let them sit on the counter until they get a few little dark brown dots on them. At this point, they are ripe and the sugar in the banana is fully developed.

I then cut them into 2-inch slices and put them on a cookie sheet covered with plastic wrap and freeze them. When I am ready for my special treat, I put a frozen banana into the blender with 1 to 1½ cups of vanilla soy milk or milk. Add just a few drops of vanilla and turn the blender on. Frozen strawberries and other fruit is also wonderful to add to the basic banana.

3. Smoked salmon sandwich: Buy thin sliced smoked salmon, and nonfat cream cheese. Toast a slice of whole grain bread and then spread 1 tablespoon cream cheese over it and then place 2 ounces of the thinly slice salmon on top.

4. Cottage Cheese and fruit: I find that instead of reaching for the candy bar for a snack that ½ cup of low fat cottage cheese and a fruit is just the ticket to keep my energy up. Today I will have strawberries. I also substitute ¾ cup of nonfat Greek yogurt with the fruit.

5. Premeasured mixed nuts, dried fruit and little dark chocolate: Mix one third each mixed nuts, dried fruit, and dark chocolate chips. After mixing, I measure a 1/3 cup portion onto a ziploc sandwich bag and make up 20 to 30 at a time. I put them in my car in a lunch bag and have them in my kitchen for a quick nutritious snack.

I am so happy to have a new lifestyle that gives me the health that I once desired. Take time to find the comfort foods that you can enjoy and will give you the added benefit of health.

Dian's Book Tipping the Scales in Your Favor shares her weight loss journey. For years Dian's tried and tried to lose weight but it was not until Jackie Keller said to her in California, "I can help you lose weight" that she caught the vision and lost over 100 pounds and, most important, she has been able to keep it off. Get Dian's book today and begin the journey to healthy living. Go to www.DianThomas.com to learn more.

Dian Thomas's Library: You will never run out of ideas when you have this wonderful set of books. Check out Dian Thomas' Creative Books Library Special: She now had a special offer to save 60% on 5 books and 2 DVD. Get Dian's creative library for only $49.99. Save $70 dollar and have over 25 years of her creative and amazing ideas. This package will be great for gifts, for fun, and for kids and grandchildren. Take advantage of this limited offer at www.DianThomas.com.

Want to travel with Dian? Join one of her trips to China or Vietnam this fall where you will enjoy a cultural feast and fun adventure. Email Dian at Contact@DianThomas.com or call 801-277-4332 for more information.

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About Dian Thomas

Dian Thomas was blessed with the good fortune to be born near and raised in the remote, breathtaking Manti-La Sal National Forest in southeastern Utah, where her father was the forest ranger. She took the skills she learned in the outdoors and turned them into a New York Times best-selling book, Roughing It Easy. Her appearance on the NBC's "Tonight" show with Johnny Carson boosted her into the national media scene, where she became a regular on NBC's "Today" show for eight years and then ABC's "Home Show" for six years. After more than 25 years of media exposure and 19 books, she now shares her practical insights and wisdom with audiences who want to savor life.

A former Relief Society president, Dian is currently serving as a visiting teacher. Visit her website at www.DianThomas.com

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