"No obstacles are insurmountable when God commands and we obey"
- - Heber J. Grant
February 1, 2013
S.L. executive gains new life through healthy weight loss
by Dian Thomas

Since I have lost more than 100 pounds and have a new life, I am always on the lookout to meet others who have also succeeded at the weight-loss game.

The journeys are often similar, and it is always interesting to share stories in hopes of gaining new ideas to support your own journey.

At the end of this year I came across one such person who has such and inspiring story I wanted to share it.

Steve Holm is an executive for Associate Foods. A year ago Steve failed his health assessment test at work. He was to report to a wellness coach. Steve decided to go to his doctor to prove the test wrong. His doctor told him he was in worse shape than the assessment led him to believe.

"I finally asked my health coach for some help," Holm said. "'Please purchase a pedometer,' she said. I did (The Omron 'go Smart'), on which by the way, I have logged 5,500,000-plus steps."

Steve received some advice from his pharmacist who suggested that he weigh each morning. This became his accountability piece, along with following the Weight Watcher point system.

"I kept a food and exercise journal faithfully so I would have an accurate accounting of what I was eating and how I exercised," Holm said. "I exercise two full hours each and every morning, which consists of 6 miles on the treadmill walking."

"Fiber is my new middle name as I'm 55 years in age and needed all the fiber I can get to keep my colon healthy and lose weight," he said.

"Fiber is a huge key to feeling full and being healthy. Seasonings (not oil) saved my life because, let's face it, raw food and most vegetables need LOTS of spices to make them appealing to the mouth."

"What more can be said about portion control than 90 pounds off the old body. … Long story short, when I took my first Personal Wellness Plan test (as required from my company) my age was determined to be 65.5 years old. I wept! Half-way through and with a great deal of personal strife, it was 56.5 years. Then almost like someone (I like to refer to him as Deity) made the light switch go on. … since then, for my last and final test, 48.5 years old. At 55-plus, that's a moral victory."

Congratulations Steve!

Like Steve I have looked for every way I can to put fiber into my diet, both while losing weight and now keeping it off.

One item that I thought was gone because of all the calories was pancakes. I have since put them back into my eating plan by just making a few changes that trims the calories and adds the fiber.

Here is what I do: First, I use whole-wheat pancake mix. For each serving, it has 5 grams of fiber instead of the 1 gram found in white flour pancakes.

Instead of syrup (which can have up to 240 calories per 1/4 cup serving) I go for a serving of mixed fresh fruit. By simply adding an egg I have a very satisfying and healthful breakfast.

You, too, can be like Steve and take this weight-loss journey and change your health and life forever. Remember small steps make a big difference to your health, weight, and happiness.

Dian’s Book Tipping the Scales in Your Favor shares her weight loss journey. For years Dian’s tried and tried to lose weight but it was not until Jackie Keller said to her in California, “I can help you lose weight” that she caught the vision and lost over 115 pounds and, most important, she has been able to keep it off. Get Dian’s book today and begin the journey to healthy living. Go to www.DianThomas.com to learn more.

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About Dian Thomas

Dian Thomas was blessed with the good fortune to be born near and raised in the remote, breathtaking Manti-La Sal National Forest in southeastern Utah, where her father was the forest ranger. She took the skills she learned in the outdoors and turned them into a New York Times best-selling book, Roughing It Easy. Her appearance on the NBC's "Tonight" show with Johnny Carson boosted her into the national media scene, where she became a regular on NBC's "Today" show for eight years and then ABC's "Home Show" for six years. After more than 25 years of media exposure and 19 books, she now shares her practical insights and wisdom with audiences who want to savor life.

A former Relief Society president, Dian is currently serving as a visiting teacher. Visit her website at www.DianThomas.com

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