Some Merry and Not-so-Merry Christmases and Some Happy and Not-so-Happy New Years: Holidays with the Prophet Joseph
by James B. Allen
Most of us who read
these columns have just enjoyed a joyous holiday season. The terms
“Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year” were
probably realistic wishes. Even though we may not have had all the
physical and financial comforts we would like, we were, for the most
part, warm and comfortable on those days, and grateful for our many
Joseph Smith
As I prepared for
Christmas, I thought again about the Prophet Joseph Smith and
wondered anew how he and his family spent their Christmas and New
Year seasons. Accordingly, I browsed Joseph Smith’s History
(compiled by committee under the direction of Joseph Smith)1,
as well as the recent publications of Joseph Smith’s personal
and pulled out what I could.3
As we look at Joseph
Smith’s Christmases we should not expect that they should
parallel our own. Christmas in America in those days was not what it
is today. In fact, the earliest settlers of Massachusetts considered
it to be an impure pagan holiday, and celebrating it was even
outlawed in Boston from 1659-1681. Others, however, particularly
those in the southern colonies, observed it as a special day, though
not with the kind of festive celebrations and elaborate commercialism
that we have grown up with. It was only during Joseph Smith’s
lifetime that Christmas gradually became a day of special celebration
and religious observation.
1838 St. Nick, influenced by Washington Irving story
Even though a character
something like Santa Claus, or St. Nicholas, existed in European
tradition, the Santa Claus tradition had its American origins only in
the early nineteenth century. The patron saint of the New York
Historical Society was a jolly elf named St. Nicholas. Washington
Irving joined that society in 1809 and soon published a satirical
history of New York that made many references to St. Nicholas. The
elf became more popular, and more clearly tied to Christmas, after
the poem we now know as “The Night Before Christmas”
appeared in 1823, under the title “A Visit From St. Nicholas.”
The authorship is controversial but it is most commonly believed that
it was written in 1822 by Clement Clarke Moore, while he was
Christmas shopping. Others say the author was Henry Livingston, Jr.
Interestingly enough, both later claimed credit for it. It was not
until 1863 that St. Nicholas became Santa Claus in the American mind.
In 1819, the year
before Joseph Smith was born, Washington Irving made another
contribution to Christmas when he wrote a series of essays, published
serially under the title “The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon.”
Some of these stories were about Christmas and depicted the
warm-hearted English customs that Irving grew up with. Most scholars
believe that this sketch book affected the way Americans observed
Christmas. According to Charles Dickens, it also had an influence on
his Christmas stories, including A Christmas Carol, first
published in 1843. Partly as a result of Irving’s stories,
traditions of caroling, gift-giving, etc. began to be more popular in
But the customs caught
on only gradually. In Nauvoo, for example, children even attended
school on December 25, for Christmas was not a legal holiday.
Gradually some states made it a state holiday, but it did not become
a national holiday until 1870. Christmas trees, cards, and even
gift-giving were uncommon. Rather, spending the evening with family,
enjoying a meal, and sometimes music and dancing were the order of
the day.
With this background,
we should not be surprised to find that the Prophet Joseph Smith made
little mention of Christmas, or New Year, in his own records. It is
possible, however, to ascertain some things he did during those
times, all of which reflect some aspects of Church history.
Monument at the birthplace of Joseph Smith
In a sense, Joseph
Smith himself was his family’s Christmas present in 1805. He
was born that year on December 23, just two days before Christmas,
though it is not clear that the Smith family, living in New England,
even recognized December 25 as a special day. At that time Joseph
Smith Sr., Lucy, and their three older children (seven-year-old
Alvin, five-year-old Hyrum, and two-year-old Sophronia) lived on the
family farm in Sharon, Windsor County, Vermont.
Exactly what Joseph was
doing during the Christmas season in much of his early life is
unknown. However, a few things may be surmised. During his first few
years his family did whatever celebrating they did as most farming
families in that area—not much, if anything, in the way of
celebration and presents, but perhaps some expressions of devotion to
the Savior. It is clear that they were a religious family. In 1811
they moved to West Lebanon, New Hampshire where, in 1813, Joseph had
his famous, terribly painful, leg operation. This and the complicated
aftermath left him so terribly weak and thin that his mother
sometimes had to carry him. For the next three Christmas seasons he
was on crutches.
By Christmastime in the
year 1816 the Smith family had moved to the vicinity of Palmyra, New
York, where they lived for a time in a small rented home. By
Christmastime the next year they were in their two-room log cabin,
where they still lived at the time of Joseph Smith’s First
Vision and, later, the visit of Moroni. By Christmastime 1825 they
were in their new frame home that had been completed in the fall of
that year. Just what they did to celebrate Christmas during these
years is unknown.
We have an idea of what
Joseph might have been thinking about on Christmas and New Year’s
Day, 1825-26. He was in love with Emma Hale, of Harmony,
Pennsylvania, but her father did not approve of their getting
married. No doubt this weighed heavily on both their minds during
that season, so much so that they finally decided to elope. They were
married at South Bainbridge, New York, on January 18, 1826. They were
living with Joseph’s parents the next Christmas (the same year
Joseph received the plates of the Book of Mormon), but the following
Christmas season they were living in Harmony with Emma’s
parents (her father now reconciled to Joseph). A year later they had
their own small home, on property obtained from Emma’s father.
In 1830 the Church was
organized, and from then on, because of records kept by Joseph and
others, we have a better idea of what he was doing during the
Christmas/New Year season. (We call it the “Holiday Season”
today, but I doubt that anyone used this term at that time.) In
August, Joseph and Emma left Harmony and accepted an invitation to
stay in the home of Peter Whitmer, Jr., in Fayette, New York. We
don’t know what they did on Christmas day, but there, in
December, Joseph received three important revelations. They now
constitute sections 25, 26, and 27 of the Doctrine and Covenants.
Especially significant (at least in my mind) was Section 25. This was
a revelation to Sidney Rigdon, who had been a prominent minister in
the area of Kirtland, Ohio, and had been converted to the Church by
reading the Book of Mormon. He had come to New York to became
acquainted with the Prophet. He soon became one of Joseph’s
closest associates and counselors. That Christmas season, Joseph had
this and much more to be thankful for.
One of the revelations
mentioned above directed the Prophet to move the main body of the
Church to Kirtland, which was done early in 1831. At the end of that
year Joseph was doing missionary work during the Christmas season.
Early in December he received two revelations (now sections 71 and 72
of the Doctrine and Covenants), the first of which commanded him and
Sidney Rigdon to “proclaim unto the world in the regions round
about, and in the church also, for the space of a season (D&C
71:2).” As recorded in his History, “From this
time until the 8th or 10th of January 1832,
myself and Elder Rigdon continued to preach in Shakersville, Ravena,
and other places, setting forth the truth. Vindicating the cause of
our Redeemer.” Clearly, whether or not they did anything
special on Christmas, Joseph and Sidney were thinking about the
Savior and His mission.
As Christmas approached
in 1832 Joseph Smith had his mind on some of America’s
especially tense political problems. On Christmas Day his concern
resulted in a revelation. The United States was close to civil war
after the state of South Carolina threatened to nullify an act of
Congress within its borders. President Andrew Jackson was irate,
considering such an act a rebellion. He assembled troops and
threatened to march into South Carolina if the state did not follow
the law of the land. South Carolina finally backed down, but at the
same time proclaimed its right as a sovereign state to go against
federal law if it so wished. Joseph Smith, too, considered South
Carolina’s action a rebellion. I suspect that he wondered what
might happen as these tensions were exacerbated, and that on
Christmas Day he may have been both pondering and praying about it.
At any rate, on that day he received one of his most well-know
revelations, the Prophecy on War (section 87 of the Doctrine and
Covenants), foreshadowing the Civil War that broke out nearly thirty
years later. Two days later he received one of his most-quoted
revelations, the all-important Section 88, often referred to as “The
Olive Leaf.”
There is no specific
account of what Joseph did on December 25, 1833 or January 1, 1834,
but we know from his History something of what he must have
been thinking about. The history shows him concerned about and
working on the internal affairs of the Church as well as the
persecutions that continued to plague his followers. It could not
have been an extremely happy time. Joseph’s own record is
equally blank for the 1834-35 season, except a notation that during
the month of January he was engaged in the school of the Elders and
also preparing the “Lectures on Faith” that were
published in early editions of the Doctrine and Covenants.
Kirtland Temple (completed in 1836)
Christmas Day 1835 is
the second time we have a specific entry in Joseph’s history as
to exactly what he was doing that day. (The first was 1832.) On the
day before Christmas he was at home in the morning but spent the
afternoon surveying a road. On Christmas Day, however, his history
has a joyous entry: “Enjoyed myself at home with my family, all
day, it being Christmas, the only time I have had this privilege so
satisfactorily for a long period. Brother Jonathan Crosby called this
That was the occasion
described by Jonathan Crosby himself, who gave a few more details on
what was happening on Christmas Eve as well as Christmas Day. Crosby,
a recent convert, came to Kirtland to meet the Prophet and went to
his home on Christmas Eve. There he found Joseph with a group of
friends and family, including Hyrum Smith, Reynolds Cahoon, Martin
Harris, John Carl, and George A. Smith. Joseph invited Crosby in and
he joined them in a “very pleasant time” where they drank
“peper [pepper] and cider”4
and had supper. Apparently Joseph also put him up for the night. On
Christmas Day Crosby was invited to a “feast” where
Joseph Smith Sr., the Church Patriarch, gave blessings.5
New Year’s Day
1836 was a day of both thanksgiving and renewal for Joseph Smith. His
thanksgiving is seen in the first part of his journal entry for that
being the beginning of a new year, my heart is filled with gratitude
to God that he has preserved my life and the lives of my family.
while another year has passed away. We have been sustained and upheld
in the midst of a wicked and preverse [perverse] generation, although
exposed to all the afflictions, temptations, and misery that are
incident to human life; for this I feel to humble myself in dust and
ashes, as it were, before the Lord.6
At the same time,
Joseph was deeply troubled by difficulties between himself and his
brother William, but New Year’s Day became a day of
reconciliation and renewal. His father, his brothers William and
Hyrum, his uncle John Smith, and Martin Harris all met at Joseph’s
home. Much of the difficulty had arisen because of William’s
criticism of the Prophet. Joseph Sr. prayed fervently, “with
all the sympathy of a father, whose feelings were deeply wounded on
account of the difficulty that was existing in the family.” But
soon “the Spirit of God rested down upon us in mighty power.”
Their hearts melted, William humbly asked Joseph’s forgiveness,
Joseph asked William’s forgiveness and, said Joseph, “the
spirit of confession and forgiveness was mutual among us all.”
They made solemn covenants to build each other up, not listen to evil
reports, and, like brothers, go to each other with their grievances
and be reconciled. After that the brothers called in Joseph’s
wife, Emma, their mother, and his scribe and repeated their covenants
before them. Tears flowed and Joseph closed the meeting with prayer.
“It was truly a jubilee and time of rejoicing,” he said.
Christmas Day 1835 was
the last account in Joseph’s History, until 1843, of any
holiday season celebration. I cannot imagine that he ignored
Christmas but, so far as the records are concerned, during all those
years he was preoccupied with Church business and various family
concerns. Two days before Christmas 1836, for example, he presided
over a conference in Kirtland, and on January 2, 1837 he attended a
meeting of the Kirtland Safety Society (a banking institution). All
his history notes about the end of the year 1837 is the bitter
apostasy and persecution in Kirtland, including Brigham Young being
forced to flee simply because “he would proclaim publicly and
privately that he knew by the power of the Holy Ghost that I was a
Prophet of the Most High God, that I had not transgressed and fallen
as the apostates declared.” The history for that year then
closes with the unhappy notation that “apostasy, persecution,
confusion, and mobocracy strove hard to bear rule at Kirtland, and
thus closed the year 1837.” It was a sad Christmas season,
indeed. The History included a similar comment about the new
year: “January 1838,— A new year dawned upon the
Church in Kirtland in all the bitterness of the spirit of apostate
mobocracy; which continued to rage and grow hotter and hotter, until
Elder Rigdon and myself were obliged to flee from its deadly
influences.” The two left Kirtland for Missouri on January 12.
Liberty Jail, Missouri
When Christmas came in
1838 Joseph, along with his brother Hyrum and a few others, were
wrongly incarcerated in the fourteen by fourteen dungeon of a jail at
Liberty, Missouri. Conditions were horrible: only a trap door for
entrance, a dirt floor covered with old straw, no stove, intolerable
smoke if they lit a fire, not enough blankets for warmth, and nearly
unpalatable food. Joseph received a visit from Emma on December 8 and
again on December 20 and 21.
Joseph and friends in the dungeon in Liberty Jail.
Other than Emma’s
visits, the Prophet’s Christmas and New Year season was
anything but merry or happy. Nevertheless, his prison experience did
not rob him of patience, longsuffering, or his assurance of
continuing revelation, as expressed in revelations he received there
that have since taken their place as sections 121,122, and 123 of the
Doctrine and Covenants. Also, it resulted in some remarkable letters
near Christmastime. Just nine days before Christmas he wrote a long
letter to the Church saying, in part, “Know assuredly, dear
brethren, that it is for the testimony of Jesus that we are in bonds
and in prison.” No doubt he was thinking of this on December
25. In that same letter he expressed his own continuing faith and
brethren, do not think that our hearts faint, as though some strange
thing had happened unto us, for we have seen and been assured of all
these things beforehand, and have an assurance of a better hope than
that of our persecutors. Therefore God hath broadened our shoulders
for the burden. We glory in our tribulation, because we know that God
is with us, that He is our friend, and that He will save our souls.
On New Year’s
Day, 1839, expressing his disappointment at the failure of the law to
protect their liberty, Joseph made the following lament from jail:
“The day dawned upon us as prisoners of hope, but not as sons
of liberty. O Columbia, Columbia! How thou art fallen!” Though
the season was anything but merry or happy, it was a time of hope and
optimism for the Prophet.
Joseph and Hyrum
remained in captivity until they escaped on April 18. Not long after,
he joined the main body of the Church in Illinois and assisted in
founding the city of Nauvoo.
During the 1839-40
Christmas/New Year season Joseph Smith was not at home. On November
28 he arrived in Washington D.C., where he visited with President
Martin Van Buren and circulated the halls of Congress as part of a
delegation trying to obtain federal recompense for the losses the
Saints had suffered as a result of the Missouri persecutions. He
spent the last part of December, including Christmas, and most of
January in Philadelphia doing missionary work and attending to other
Church duties. He was back in Washington in February and back in
Nauvoo by March 1. During all this time he had much on his mind, but
two things stood out. One was the reason he went to Washington. The
other was the concern he had for the members of the Quorum of the
Twelve who had been called to fulfill an all-important mission to the
British Isles that, he believed, would ultimately be the “salvation
of the Church.” (See our column that appeared in Nauvoo Times
on November 27.)
At the end of 1840
Joseph Smith’s mind was very much on the activities of the
Quorum of the Twelve in England, for that is the major content of his
History for the last several days. Also that month he found
pleasure in the state’s approval of the Nauvoo city charter.
As usual, Christmastime
1841 saw Joseph Smith deeply immersed in Church business. On
Christmas eve he spent time talking with Bishop Newel K. Whitney and
Brigham Young about establishing an agency to help bring Saints
inexpensively from England to Nauvoo. “In the name of the
Lord,” he said, “we will prosper if we go forward with
this thing.” The entry in his History for Christmas Day
shows several apostles and their wives spending the evening having
dinner at the home of Hiram Kimball, after which Kimball gave each of
the Twelve a gift of a parcel of land. Curiously there is no mention
of Joseph being at that gathering, nor any indication of what he did
that day. Clearly, however, he was enjoying much more peaceful and
satisfying times than in earlier years. On New Year’s Day he
began placing goods on the shelves of his new store in Nauvoo. He
opened the store for business four days later.
In 1842 Joseph spent
the day before Christmas working with Willard Richards on revising
his history. A week later, on New Year’s Day, he was in
Springfield, Illinois, where he spent several days in connection with
an effort by the state of Missouri to extradite him. Eventually the
judge ruled in his favor.
On December 25, 1843,
Joseph’s History finally includes an extensive entry
about festive activities on Christmas Day. It was almost as if, with
a great sigh of relief, Joseph and his family could at last celebrate
that day the way many other Americans were celebrating by that
time—as a day of rejoicing and festivity.
The Saints who began
the day must have been especially eager to please the Prophet, for at
one o’clock in the morning Letti Rushton (widow of Richard
Rushton, who had been converted to the Church in England by George A.
Smith), accompanied by her three sons, their wives, and her two
daughters with their husbands, along with several neighbors awoke him
with their singing of “Mortals, awake! With angels join.”
Rather than being disturbed by such an early awakening, Joseph said
that he felt “a thrill of pleasure to run through my soul.”
Everyone in his household, including several boarders, got up to hear
the serenade. “I felt to thank my heavenly father for their
visit,” he said in his History, and blessed them in the
name of the Lord. Next the serenading troop awakened Joseph’s
brother Hyrum, who went outside, shook hands with and blessed each of
them, and remarked that at first he thought he was listening to a
cohort of angels.
Joseph spent the rest
of the day at home, at noon giving counsel to some brethren from the
nearby Morley settlement. At 2 o’clock he hosted about fifty
couples at what must have been a scrumptious dinner. Later a large
group had supper at his house and then spent the evening enjoying
music and dancing.
As the evening went on
something totally unexpected, and especially heartwarming for the
Prophet, happened. As described in his History:
man with his hair long and falling over his shoulders, and apparently
drunk, came in and acted like a Missourian. I requested the captain
of the police to put him out of doors. A scuffle ensued, and I had an
opportunity to look him full in the face, when, to my great surprise
and joy untold, I discovered it was my long-tried, warm, but cruelly
persecuted friend, Orrin Porter Rockwell, just arrived from nearly a
year’s imprisonment, without conviction, in Missouri.
“I rejoiced that
Rockwell had returned from the clutches of Missouri, and that God had
delivered him out of their hands,” Joseph recorded the
following day.
Joseph Smith's last Nauvoo home: The Mansion House
A week later Joseph’s
New Year’s Day was also a day of celebration. Again he hosted a
large party at his home, the Mansion House, where there was music and
dancing until morning. But Joseph did not spend all the evening in
these festivities. Instead, he spent much of it in his private room
with his family, Elder John Taylor, and some other close friends.
The delightful and
poignant Christmas Day and the enjoyable and intimate New Year’s
Day were, indeed, a “Merry Christmas” and a “Happy
New Year” for the Prophet. But these were his last such days,
for he was murdered just six months later. However, that
Christmas/New Year week was indeed a fitting conclusion to a series
of such seasons that were sometimes marked with pleasure and hope and
other times with sorrow and suffering. The episodic tale told here
only suggests how devoted the Prophet really was to his friends, his
family, his thousands of followers, and, most importantly, to the
Savior and His gospel.
Smith, Joseph, History of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. Ed. B. H. Roberts. 7 vols. Salt Lake City:
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1950. (Only the first
six volumes relate directly to Joseph Smith.)
Dean C. Jessee, Ronald K. Esplin, and Richard Lyman Bushman, general
editors, The Joseph Smith Papers :Journals, Volume I:
1832-1839, Volume 2: December 1841-April 1843 (Salt Lake City: The
Church Historian’s Press, 2008, 2011).
Several books and articles deal with the Christmases not only of
Joseph Smith but also other early Church members, including the Utah
pioneers. Among them are Susan Arrington Madsen, Pioneer
Christmas: Excerpts from Personal Journal (Sandy, UT:
Leatherwood Press, 2007); Laura F. Willes, Christmas with the
Prophets (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2010); Larry C. Porter,
“Remembering Christmas Past: Presidents of the Church
Celebrate the Birth of the Son of Man and Remember His Servant
Joseph Smith,” BYU Studies 40:3 (2001), 49-119 Caroline
H. Benzley, “Christmas with Joseph Smith,” New Era,
31 (December 2001), 8-10; Richard Ian Kimball, “‘All
Hail to Christmas’: Mormon Pioneer Holiday Celebration,”
BYU Studies 40:3 (2001), 6-26. In preparation I read some of
these in addition to Joseph Smith’s History.
Apple cider was a common American beverage in the nineteenth
century. Usually it was hard apple cider, often spiced up with
cayenne pepper.
JAMES B. ALLEN, Professor of History, Emeritus, Brigham Young University
James B. Allen was born June 14, 1927, in Ogden, Utah. He married Renée Jones, April 16,
1953. They have five children, twenty-one grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren . He
received his bachelor's degree in history form Utah State University in 1954, a master's degree
from Brigham Young University in 1956, and the Ph.D. from the University of Southern
California in 1963.
Active in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints all his life, he has served in numerous
positions, including bishop of two BYU wards and a member of 5 different BYU high councils.
In 1999-2000 he and Renée served as missionaries at the Boston Institute of Religion.
He has also been active in the Republican party and twice served as a delegate to the state
In his professional career, he taught in the LDS Seminary and Institute program from 1954-63,
after which he was a member of the faculty at Brigham Young University until his retirement in
1992. From 1972 to 1979 he also served as Assistant Church Historian (splitting his time
between BYU and the Church Historical Department). He was chair of the History Department
from 1981-1987 then, during his last five years at BYU, he was honored to hold the Lemuel
Hardison Redd, Jr. Chair in Western American History. After his retirement he became
associated with the Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Latter-day Saint History at BYU, where
for several years he held an appointment as a Senior Research Fellow.
He has also been active in various professional organizations, including the Western History
Association (served on various committees, and as chair of a program committee) and the
Mormon History Association (president, 1971-73). He has been on various boards of editors and
advisory committees and presented numerous papers at the meetings of various historical
As a researcher and writer he is the author, co-author, or co-editor of fourteen books or
monographs and around 90 articles relating to Western American history and Mormon history,
as well as numerous book reviews in professional journals. Some of his books include the
The Company Town in the American West (University of Oklahoma Press, 1966)
The Story of the Latter-day Saints (with Glen M. Leonard; Deseret Book Company, 1976;
2nd edition 1992)
Trials of Discipleship: The Story of William Clayton, a Mormon (University of Illinois
Press, 1987). Revised and republished in 2002 by BYU Press under the title No
Toil Nor Labor Fear: The Story of William Clayton. In 1986, while still in press,
this book won the prestigious David Woolley Evans and Beatrice Cannon Evans
Biography Award.
Men With a Mission: The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the British Isles, 1837-1841
(with Ronald K. Esplin and David J. Whittaker, Deseret Book Company, 1992)
Studies in Mormon History 1830-1997: An Indexed Bibliography (with Ronald W.
Walker and David J. Whittaker; University of Illinois Press, 2000). Allen was the
lead investigator for this important work. It lists, and provides an index to, all the
significant books, articles, doctoral dissertations and master's theses on Mormon
history produced between 1830 and 1997. It has been widely hailed as one of the
most important aids to finding LDS history ever published. In 2001 the Mormon
History Association awarded the authors a special citation for the publication of
this book. After that, working with J. Michael Hunter, Allen continued to update
the bibliography database. Hunter has now taken over the updating, and the
database is online at
Mormon History (with Ronald W. Walker and David J. Whittaker, University of Illinois
Press, 2001). This book is a history of the writing of Mormon history, from the
days of Joseph Smith until the present time.
Over the years he has received various awards, honors, and recognitions, besides those indicated
above. Among them were several "best article" awards; the Karl G. Maeser Research and
Creative Arts Award, Brigham Young University, 1980; named Distinguished Faculty Lecturer,
Brigham Young University, 1984; named a Fellow of the Utah State Historical Society, July 15,
1988; the Leonard J. Arrington Award for a Distinctive Contribution to the cause of Mormon
History, awarded by the Mormon History Asociation, 2008.
James and Renée have enjoyed living in Orem, Utah since 1963.
He currently serves as Sunday School President in his ward, and he and Renée have been officiators
in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple since 2004.