"We seldom get into trouble when we speak softly. It is only when we raise our voices that the sparks fly and tiny molehills become great mountains of contention."
room was dark, except for a single cone of light. It
illuminated a simple black desk, with a scattering of papers and
supplies. A small amount of light filtered in through the
window and cast shadows across the floor and wall. The aroma of
hot chocolate floated throughout the room.
sudden buzzing shattered the eerie silence. I straightened up
from my work and peered at the phone, vibrating atop a stack of
papers just outside the light. The screen flashed the name of the
caller. I set down my pen and smoothly slipped the phone off
the stack and into my hand, flipping it open.
I brought it to my ear I leaned back out of the lamp-light and
swiveled to face the window. The lights of Provo glimmered in
the night.
well, well," I chuckled, "Lost already?"
scanned the blinking lights outside the window. He was out
there in the city, undoubtedly bundled up in his black overcoat just
outside the reach of a street light. It would be just dark
enough to feel safe, but not dark enough to blend him completely into
the shadows.
I said, it was only a matter of time," I continued, "Don't
worry, I have the map."
flipped open a sleek black laptop and quickly navigated to a
bird's-eye view of the city. "What is your location?"
couple of clicks and I had found the church building he was referring
see it. You are right on course for the destination. I
assume you just turned off Canyon? Good. Now you say you are across
Stadium Avenue from the Church? What you want to do is continue west
along Stadium. Hmm, you should see a parking lot to your left.
Excellent. Now keep going until you reach University Avenue.
It should be the next cross-street."
sipped from the steaming mug of hot chocolate as I dragged the map
over to get to the next portion.
Yes. No, you want to make sure you keep going west."
zoomed in to get a better detailed layout of the landmarks.
are on the right road. Do you see a field anywhere to the
front-left? OK, well that means that you need to turn right. That
means now you should be going north. You see the apartment
buildings? Yes, the ones on the west side of University. Head
one-and-a-half blocks that way, and you're there.
enjoyed a quick victory sip and leaned back to glance out the window
again. I pictured him cell-phone-to-ear, striding along, moving
farther out into the city.
Good. I assume you can handle it from here? All right.
flipped the phone shut, slid it back across the desk, and turned
towards my work again. The invasive light of the laptop screen
flicked out as I closed it. After picking up my pen and
re-locating where I had been working, I hunched back into the
lamplight. Moments later the pen began scribbling furiously.
The eerie yet comfortable silence re-ensued, broken only by the
occasional shuffling of papers.
is a wonderful thing. Our generation has grown up right beside
such amazing technological innovations as the cell phone and
extensive online map systems. Being in college has helped me to
realize the great extent to which our generation gets to experience
something truly phenomenal. It's been happening to us so slowly
that we don't even realize how amazing it is.
grew up watching plenty of spy movies. As a group of young
boys, after finishing a particularly good episode or movie we'd all
spend the next couple of days pretending to be the people in the
movies. Toys, rocks, and sticks became our arsenal of spy
gadgets. We had it all: infrared night vision, spy
satellite up-links, even remote access to information from a
far-off headquarters.
life now, especially in college surrounded countless like-minded
peers, is almost straight from those childhood dreams. We are
all like CIA. special agents. We carry small personal devices
with an astonishing array of uses and applications, ready to whip
them out at a moment's notice. We can access information from
the internet from wherever we'd like. A simple laptop and Wi-Fi
will give one access to ridiculously detailed (and sometimes even 3D)
I knew as a kid that even before my adult years I'd be able to
remotely give my roommate directions from across a city, looking
top-down at his location like looking from a satellite, I'd have
never been able to contain my excitement.
generation gets to fill a special spot in history. We were able
to dream up amazing and wonderful technological toys as kids, never
suspecting that they were anything more, and then see the realization
of those dreams before we even knew what was happening. As the newer
generations grow up, they'll undoubtedly see the fulfillment of their
"spy fantasies" as well, but the difference is that
they'll expect their
fantasies to come to life, because that's what has been happening.
we're special. We got to be among the first. I hope we
can more fully come to appreciate the amazing technology around us.
Every time I think about it, I reclaim some of that childhood
giddiness and awe. And I love it.
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