"We seldom get into trouble when we speak softly. It is only when we raise our voices that the sparks fly and tiny molehills become great mountains of contention."
Reading scriptures with children can be challenging, as any parent, family
member or friend to families with children can tell you. Getting them to sit
through 15 minutes is sometimes torturous and has the ability of driving
adults to near insanity and total frustration.
I have no idea why it is a child can sit through a full 30 minutes of mindless
television, or even a half hour or more of reading secular books, but then
struggle so relentlessly with 15 minutes of scripture reading.
To combat this issue, my family and I have started a collection of odd items
around the house and from the toy boxes of our boys. We can then use these
items to "bring to life" the scriptures, so that we get more meaning out of them.
In addition, I end up with fewer stress headaches at the end of our 15- to 30-minute scripture study.
For example, when reading in The Book of Mormon about the many battles
between the Nephites and Lamanites on the banks of the Sidon River, we have
two sets of toy soldiers (each in a different color). The tan ones represent the
Nephites and the dark green ones are the Lamanites.
We then use blue pipe cleaners, scarves, or scraps of fabric for the river
(whatever happens to be available at the time of reading). When my sisters and
their daughters visit, we have the luxury of adding mini dolls, dolls, and
traditional girl toys, or what ever else they may bring with them for the wives
and daughters we are reading about.
By allowing the children to play, they are learning valuable lessons my
husband and I have had difficulty teaching them in other ways. Our teenage
son is able to "play" with our younger children despite the age differences, and
they remember the scriptures so much more.
Even more exciting is when someone outside the family asks them what their
favorite stories are and they recite stories from the scriptures. In addition to all
these benefits, Mom and Dad get to play with the kids in meaningful activities
and we get along so much better. If all reading times were so pleasant, life
would be bliss.
A note of caution: When doing this type of scripture study for the Old Testament, I would recommend that parents read the scripture passages without the children first, and then structure the play-study time, with a child-friendly activity appropriate to your needs and family. Our oldest son
has asked me on occasion why it is I don't let him narrate certain sections of
the Old Testament, and thus I have had the opportunity to educate him that
not everything recorded in the books is appropriate for children to act out, or
necessarily even to hear, given their age.
These discussions have helped my husband and me develop a more intimate
intellectual relationship with our sons as they get older, which is something I
cherish even more as I watch them grow and become increasingly independent.
So, my advice, collect the old toys and odds-and-ends, and put them to use in
a new way. Happy scripture study!
Heather Best grew up in Washington State as a Navy brat. After a tour in the US Army, she pursued her education obtaining degrees in medical assisting and biology and is currently completing a degree in chemistry. Heather has volunteered over the years in public and private schools, hospitals and her community in various roles.
Heather currently resides in Greensboro, North Carolina, with her family, where she serves as the CTR 6 Primary class teacher for her ward.