"We seldom get into trouble when we speak softly. It is only when we raise our voices that the sparks fly and tiny molehills become great mountains of contention."
earthquake strikes, and your neighborhood is badly shaken. Your house
was rocking and pitching like the deck of a ship, and your knees are
still wobbly.
of your neighbors' homes are damaged. Your chimney has a crack in it.
The earthquake must have been centered nearby, you think. Electricity
is out. Phones are out. Water is out. Sirens are approaching.
kids are at school, and your husband is at work. You reach for your
cell phone and dial his number. The cell network is down, or
overloaded. What will you do?
natural disaster wipes out the local infrastructure, emergency
response teams may be minutes, hours, or days away. Having a plan for
the possible scenarios will help your family feel more confident. If
children know that whatever happens while they are in school, you
will come to get them, no matter how long it takes to get there —
they will be more assured in their distress.
families are separated in an emergency, communicating can be next to
the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, cell phones did not work.
Cellular companies lost their towers and/or the power to operate
them. Temporary facilities were setup along the expressway, but when
their generators ran out of gas, they were sometimes down again for
long periods.
service was down. And when power was restored to some areas, there
was no cable service until the cable TV companies had power to their
broadcast centers. Wired phones worked in many cases, but FEMA shut
down some lines to assure that service was available for emergency
the August 2003 blackout that swept the northeastern states, cell
service was widely disrupted due to the loss of backup power when
generators ran out of fuel, or cell phone batteries ran out of
charge. Wired phone lines were overwhelmed by the volume of traffic,
and millions of home users had only cordless telephones that depended
on household current.
people, who had been prepared in prior blackouts with “transistor
radios” to hear the news, no longer had a radio. They had all
been replaced by computers or other updated devices. Most broadcast
stations were knocked off the air momentarily, but returned to the
air with backup power. Internet service was down, except for dial-up
which could still be accessed by laptops — until the laptop
batteries were spent.
how can we communicate, when all else fails? One of the common and
overlooked technologies for an emergency is radio, the same
technology used by police and fire departments. But since ordinary
citizens cannot legally use fire and police frequencies, there are
basically three or four options: Family Radio Service, Citizens Band,
Ham Radio, and Business Band.
Radio Service
you've bought a pair of walkie-talkies at your local Big Box store to
take on vacation or on a campout, they are probably made for the
Family Radio Service (FRS). They require no license, run with common
batteries, have minimal features, and low power. Usually, their range
is limited to about one mile.
good FRS radio has 14 channels, and a squelch control to mute the
speaker when there is no signal present.
– Easy to use. A child can do it.
– Too simple and common. During a real emergency, there might
be so many signals on those frequencies, they will be virtually
10-4 good buddy. One of your best sources for CB gear is your local
truck stop. CB had a surge of popularity in the 80's, and many
ordinary folks had to give it a try. These days, with amazing cell
phones, text messaging, email, and video messaging via Windows
Messenger, CB radio seems, well, passe.
don't be deceived, CB is alive and thrivin', and has a lot to offer.
CB frequencies are called the 11-meter band, which mean they are
smack dab between VHF frequencies and shortwave. During a good
sunspot cycle, they are known to bounce off the stratosphere and
carry signals across the continent. But for daily and emergency use,
you can only count on 4-5 miles.
radio no longer requires an FCC license, and is by law, limited to
low power. There are 40-channels, so in many less-populated areas on
an ordinary day, there is room for everybody. It is OK to employ a
good antenna on your house, which can greatly improve performance.
Truckers know all the ins and outs of a good mobile antenna. Check
your truck stop or local radio store for the possibilities.
— Widely available. Best for mobile (in vehicle) or base
station operation. 40-channels.
— Because of the frequencies used, CB walkie-talkie antennas
are too long and impractical. During an actual emergency, CB channels
may be too crowded to use for family communication. For daily family
use, there may not be enough privacy in some areas.
Amateur Radio Service, also called “Ham Radio”, has a
long tradition of service and innovation. Users in the USA must be
licensed by the FCC, and virtually every government worldwide
subscribes to the treaties that protect their frequencies and license
their operators. Our family has several licened operarors.
of our children, two children-in-law, four grandchildren, my husband
and I (K6CJN) are all licensed. Our grandchildren received their
licenses at 7,8,9 and 11 years of age.
radio operators are involved in serving their communities during
emergencies, through clubs and service organizations, such as the
Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES). When public safety officials
are overwhelmed, ham operators provide networks connecting emergency
response teams all across the disaster area.
and similar ham radio organizations have formal agreements with Dept.
of Homeland Security (Citizen Corp), FEMA, National Communications
System, Salvation Army, National Weather Service, and the Association
of Public Safety Communications Officials.
of the recent emergencies served by hams from ARES and other
organizations include Hurricane Sandy (2012), the February tornado
outbreak (2008), Oregon storms and floods (2007), Hurricanes Katrina
and Rita (2005), Hurricanes Charlie, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne in
Florida (2004), severe weather in Virginia (2004), tornadoes in
Illinois (2004), earthquake in Central California (2003), Hurricane
Isabel (2003), Midwest tornadoes (2003), and World Trade Center
attack (2001). These are just a few.
also helps provide communications for parades, marathons, races,
bicycle tours and other big events where skilled and rapid
communication can protect and improve safety for both participants
and the public.
Krakow of MSNBC wrote that in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, a
call for help from 15 people stranded by floodwaters was relayed by a
combination of cell phone calls and amateur radio. Unable to get
through the 9-1-1 system, one of those stranded got through to a
relative in Baton Rouge. That person called a relative who called the
local American Red Cross.
“Using that Red
Cross chapter’s amateur radio station, Ben Joplin, WB5VST, was
able to relay a request for help on the SATERN network via Russ
Fillinger, W7LXR, in Oregon, and Rick Cain, W7KB, in Utah back to
Louisiana, where emergency personnel were alerted. They rescued the
15 people and got them to a shelter.”
amateur radio operator (“ham”) must be licensed. For many
years, hams were required to pass a practical test in Morse code, but
that requirement is now gone. There are various levels of licenses,
from Novice to Extra Class. Each requires an exam testing the
applicant on their knowledge of FCC regulations, operator practices,
and radio theory.
ham operators come from all backgrounds, all walks of life, and all
ages. The Novice Class license is quite simple, and children under
10-years of age frequently pass the exam. Privileges are limited,
however, unless you upgrade to a higher class license.
really good news is that a licensed ham has access to frequencies all
across the radio spectrum, from shortwave to microwaves. Hams
communicate locally with handheld radios that fit in a shirt pocket,
mobile units in their cars, and from home base stations that can be
quite elaborate, contacting other operators worldwide.
satellites, internet, cell phones, fax machines, and email, ham radio
was truly amazing. And in the face of widespread disaster, it still
operators have many motives. To some it is just a fun hobby, to
others it is a way of being involved on the air and in person to
serve the community. It is never for commercial gain.
ham radio clubs have “repeaters” on hilltops around metro
areas, which allow an operator with a walkie-talkie to cover hundreds
of square miles with only the radio in their pocket. In an emergency
power outage, many of these repeaters have backup power to keep them
on the air.
throughout the area will often report into emergency networks
(“nets”), under the direction of a host operator who is
trained to gather emergency reports from all over the coverage area,
and report it to local public safety officials. Most of their
training and rehearsing, is with emergency response in mind.
hams have many frequencies, there is room for thousands of users to
operate in direct communication with one another, on many bands at
the same time. Family communication between a husband and wife could
be largely unhindered on a previously agreed frequency, keeping them
in touch regardless of what goes on with cell phones, wired phones,
and internet service.
communication is not private, however, and anyone can listen in.
radio equipment is available from specialty stores, mainly in large
cities, or from many internet vendors. Local operators are glad to
help newcomers. Many local clubs sponsor classes for new ham
operators, to prepare for their license exams. Club meetings offer a
forum for emergency preparation, and FAQ's.
LDS stakes have strongly encouraged local members to prepare and
equip themselves with ham radio licenses and equipment. Church
headquarters and BYU are both equipped for radio communication. In an
emergency, operators within a stake boundary can report the condition
of members to church leaders, so that service may be coordinated.
Service to the local community is also strongly supported.
— The widest array of operating capabilities and privileges.
Voice, data, and video are possible, with technology ranging from
simple to extremely sophisticated (such as tracking and talking with
astronauts on the space shuttle or space station). Accurate
information when media may be ill informed. HAMs love to pass along
messages. Cost to get started can be as little as $100.
— Requires some training and an FCC license for each operator
in your household.
Band Radio
radio service, Business Band Radio, allows users under license of the
FCC to operate VHF/UHF frequencies in addition to the Family Radio
Service, with more power and full featured 2-way radios than the FRS.
Range is still limited, but this would be a more reliable system than
FRS under an emergency scenario. Business Band Radio equipment is
generally of higher quality and more durable.
— Better and more reliable radios than FRS. More frequencies
with better privacy and availability during an emergency, than FRS
and CB. Although a license is required, there is no exam.
— The number of frequencies are much more limited than ham
radio, and range is still very limited — to two miles or so on
an ordinary day. Under ideal conditions, range could be up to 25
miles, line-of-site.
local communication under a wide range of conditions, nothing is more
reliable than two-way radio. Parents can keep in touch with children
running local errands, or while visiting friends around the corner,
and there are no phone fees.
vacation, radios are a way to keep in touch with friends in other
vehicles, or with the kids when you split up at the amusement park.
In an emergency, they are a potential way of summoning help, or
reporting those in distress to authorities.
limited range and inexperienced users, try the Family Radio Service
employed by the inexpensive walkie-talkies sold at your local
discount store. No license required.
daily and more reliable local communication, buy radios with
professional features that use the Business Band Radio frequencies on
VHF/UHF bands. These require a license.
tap into the world of Citizen Band Radio, consider equipping your car
and/or your home with radios that can range out 5 miles or more, and
which have many uses in emergencies, to alert others to road
conditions, summon help to an accident, or just to chat with fellow
travelers. No license required.
Radio offers the most sophisticated options, but is restricted to
licensed users. There are hundreds of thousands of hams worldwide,
and their capability to provide valuable communications in an
emergency are well known.
communities rely on ham operators during an emergency response, to
gather and dispense information outside of official channels. For
your family, ham radio can provide contact with both emergency
response teams, and with others in your local or global network using
all kinds of technology — on VHF, UHF and shortwave.
other resources fail, there is still nothing like two-way radio. It
can be fun for all ages, too. Please consider it an important part of
your preparation for power outages, natural disasters, and for
whatever comes your way.
are your prepararions coming? Be sure to check in at Carolyn’s
facebook page
several times each week for help and tips. Ask questions there or
contact Carolyn at Carolyn@TotallyReady.com.
Carolyn Nicolaysen grew up in New Jersey and joined the Church while attending Central
College in Pella, Iowa. With a degree in Home Economics, she later worked as a high school
teacher, and served as an elected trustee of her local school board. Carolyn has taught personal
and family preparedness to all who will listen. Having lived in areas that were threatened by
winter storms, hurricanes and tornadoes, and now living in an earthquake prone area, she has
developed a passion for preparedness. Carolyn started her own business, TotallyReady, when she
saw the need for higher quality emergency information that could truly sustain families in a
Carolyn is FEMA trained and is an Amateur Radio first responder. She serves as Relief Society
president of her California ward.
Carolyn is the author of three ebooks, Mother Hubbard, What She's Doing Now (food storage
for the 21st century), Prep Not Panic (preparing for a pandemic of medical emergency) and That
Won't Happen to Me (a discussion of disaster preparations). She has also authored a glove box
book, Totally Ready for the Road and writes a monthly newsletter and the Totally Ready
facebook page.