"We seldom get into trouble when we speak softly. It is only when we raise our voices that the sparks fly and tiny molehills become great mountains of contention."
is it. I have officially had it. My Pinterest feed included Disney
Princess themed engagement rings.
with this, I shall not put. Do I even need to mention that if you
want a Disney Princess themed engagement ring perhaps you should
postpone engagement in favor of finishing middle school or therapy?
are not a princess and your daughter isn’t either. And don’t
give me the “Daughter of a King” shtick. Sure. You are
that kind of Princess. But that has nothing to do with the pastel
miasma covering the nation. You are not a princess. And rather than
making your adult life princess themed, you ought to be thanking your
lucky stars.
are not a princess. So you will get to make decisions about who you
marry and when. Your partner will not be an incontinent nonagenarian
that your parents pick to forge an alliance with the neighboring
state that keeps attacking them.
one married you off or had you engaged before you were in
kindergarten. You got to go to kindergarten. You actually have to
consent to marry and you can even pick someone your parents don’t
are not a princess. So if you don’t produce a solid run of
healthy male heirs in a timely manner, no one is going to off you.
You did not have to submit to a pap smear in front of all your future
in-laws before the wedding to prove that all the heirs would be
girl children will not live in fear of their uncles or cousins
brutally killing them. Also, you will not have to consent to marry
any of your daughters off to creepy, way too close relatives to keep
power in the family.
you say — you don’t mean that kind of princess. You don’t
want to be a drafty castle, losing children to basic diseases and end
up locked in a tower by your own kind of princess. You want to be a
movie kind of princess.
No you don’t.
are not a princess. So you can make up your own story. You are not at
the mercy of a narrator or a writer. You can have the adventures that
delight you even if they aren’t a universal enough draw for a
feature film. This means you can go to grad school. You can have
weird hobbies. You can love stuff that no one else loves. You can
lose all reason and buy a shabby little farm. Have at it.
are not a princess. There will be no Prince Charming. But there will
be dragons. And they will need slaying. You should probably get right
on that. The dragons will not be vanquished with a sword or secret
key. They will not turn into Prince Charming in chapter three (I’m
telling you — he isn’t coming).
may get to kill the same dragon every day for a very long time. But
while slaying dragons is exhausting and scary, there is no better
feeling than having slain one. So keep swinging.
are not a princess. You can deal with real life. We have driven our
movie princesses so mad with frustration that they think animals talk
to them. That isn’t royalty. That is a mental health condition
that is easily treatable thanks to modern medicine. If you are
chatting with bluebirds, please look into that. If not, thank your
lucky (but entirely figurative) stars for your sanity.
are not a princess. The people in your life are not minor players.
They are the stars of their own show. They are flawed and wonderful.
Your spouse will have shortcomings. Consider for example his taste in
women…. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t perfect
for you.
people you don’t get along with are (mostly) not evil
masterminds. They have their own side of the story in which you may
not come off quite as innocent as you’d like. This makes the
world infinitely more interesting than one peopled by caricatures.
are not a princess. So you can wear more than just pastel colors.
Your value isn’t in your youth and beauty. You can be chubby
and still go to the ball. You can wear sweatpants and excel at life.
Your hair can turn grey and you don’t have to switch from being
a princess to the evil witch. Unless that’s your thing.
are not a princess. You are something better. You are a woman.
I am me. I live at my house with my husband and kids. Mostly because I have found that people
get really touchy if you try to live at their house. Even after you explain that their towels are
fluffier and none of the cheddar in their fridge is green.
I teach Relief Society and most of the sisters in the ward are still nice enough to come.