I once read a sentence
that was intriguing to me. Since that time, many years ago, it has
become more than intriguing; it has become, in addition to my faith,
a lifeline.
This is it: “Life
is like photography; we develop from the negatives.” I
don’t know who to credit for this gem, but I’m grateful
for it.
many times have you been bruised, walloped, beat up or laid low by
life? There are plenty of hard times. I suppose the issue for
each of us is this: Will we see the hard times as good/bad?
Will we fall prey to the darkness that may accompany the refining
times? Or may we accept it as a time to stand up, to kneel down, and
to reach out for learning and goodness?
This all sounds so
dramatic and poetic. When the rough patches come, it doesn’t
feel that way, though. At least — not very poetic.
the principle of developing during what we perceive as negative times
is spot-on, don’t you think?
Eliza Tabor shared this
sentiment: “Disappointment to a noble soul is what cold water
is to burning metal; it strengthens, tempers, intensifies, but never
destroys it.”
I love it. Not,
perhaps, the disappointment or the heartbreak or the cruel harshness
of certain life events, but the idea that I may be tempered,
strengthened, and made better. Never destroyed by those times. Nope!
Elder Neal A. Maxwell
once taught that life cannot be both faith-filled and stress-free.
Then there is this
wealth of wisdom in President Boyd K. Packer’s lesson:
are tested by poor health, some by a body that is deformed or homely.
Others are tested by handsome and healthy bodies; some by the passion
of youth; others by the erosions of age. Some suffer disappointment
in marriage, family problems; others live in poverty and obscurity.
Some (perhaps this is the hardest test) find ease and luxury. All are
part of the test, and there is more equality in this testing than
sometimes we suspect. (General Conference October 1980.)
His words give me pause
to ponder. A lot. A test that is set up for us, individually. Life
lessons that make us or break us. Pop quizzes that raise their heads
from time to time, over the course of our lives, to keep us safely
within the confines of faith and trust — as well as obedience
to eternal principles.
Sometimes we fail
those pop quizzes. That’s okay. In our school classes, when we
occasionally bombed a math quiz, English essay, or history test, the
entire GPA didn’t go down the tubes.
Certainly, in the life
quizzes, our spiritual GPA isn’t reliant upon passing every
single test or acing each course. No, it’s all about the
keeping on — moving forward, asking forgiveness, taking an
occasional time out when needed, and picking ourselves up for the
next class, the next quiz, the next life lesson.
When the negatives come
(and they do) we can look forward with a little more hope. If we blow
it, well, we can pick up the pieces and do better next time.
When we are bitterly
disappointed with ourselves, another, or a life circumstance, isn’t
there a lesson to learn, somewhere in there? Isn’t there a
choice to be made about how we will react and act? Is there an
important gem to discover, or a personal mountain to climb?
Here’s another
beautiful point, made by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland:
for a while, the harder you try, the harder it gets, take heart.
So it has been with the best people who ever lived. (Jeffrey R.
Holland, “However Long and Hard the Road,” 1985)
The whole wonderful
point is, “It ain’t over till it’s over.”
When disappointments come and our personal environment is feeling
pretty negative, there is a clear, solid, impressive picture that is
bound to emerge. That’s a really good thing to know.
Vickey Pahnke Taylor is a wife, mom, grandmother, teacher, author, and songwriter. Her
undergraduate study at BYU was musical theater. She has a Masters degree in interpersonal
A Billboard award-winning songwriter with hundreds of songs to her credit, she uses music as a
teaching tool. But her favorite way to use music has been to sing to her children. You should
hear the family's rousing versions of "Happy Birthday"!
In addition to three solo albums in the LDS market, she co-wrote "Women at the Well" with
Kenneth Cope and "My Beloved Christ: with Randy Kartchner. She is co-writer of the theme
song for Utah's Make-A-Wish foundation, the song for the Special Olympics program, and
EFY's theme song.
She writes for several online magazines and columns, and has authored several books. Her
website, www.goodnessmatters.com, is her way of continuing to grow goodness in the world,
pointing people gently toward Christ and eternal principles of truth.
She has spoken for the Church's various Youth and Family programs for 25 years. She and her
husband Dean have eight children and four grandchildren. She adores being a wife, mom and
grandmother. She loves flowers, brownies, cooking Italian and Southern foods, the ocean, and
laughing every chance she gets.
Vickey was baptized a member of the Church as a teenager in Virginia. She serves as gospel
doctrine teacher in her ward, and Dean serves on their stake high council.