"We are not measured by the trials we meet -- only by those we overcome."
- - Spencer W. Kimball
December 11, 2012
Wise Men Are Seeking
by Vickey Pahnke Taylor

Remember that cultural phrase [a very good one] that has circulated for years, “Wise men still seek Him”? You may have a plaque, a stitched and framed, or painted copy sitting in your house right now. [I do.]

There is a lot going on in those five words. Seeking is a scriptural word that, in itself, has deep meaning. It requires us to work, to dig, to find new eyes with which to ‘see’ new and better things. Seeking Him – the Christ – makes us wise, like those kings of long ago who knew the prophecy of the Lord’s birth. They had prepared and they had sought understanding. Now, at the time of the signs given – and the revelation received – they started out to seek Him and worship Him.

We may still do that, in our own way. Personal and from the heart, we have a chance –daily – to find new ways to better see, to connect through prayer and revelation, and to celebrate the Christ. The ways we worship Him may follow some similar patterns, and subscribe to obedience to principles.

But our individual paths will allow us ‘our’ way of being an inspiration to some person who needs it. Or giving some gift to a needy soul. Or sharing a laugh with a friend in desperate need of the lift. We know the drill. We do it when we can. How we are able.

But, as our gift to the Savior of the world, how do we continually seek to increase our gifts of love? This sounds like a cheesy – or trite – question, I imagine. Yet, I don’t mean it that way at all.

With new eyes, there may be a zillion [that might be a bit of an exaggeration] ways to touching another’s soul. Of bringing a smile. Of offering condolences or comfort or joy. Good tidings… like the song. But from the heart.

If you think, ‘I would like to volunteer at a soup kitchen, but…’ – what if you took out that last word, and just did it, this year?

If you’ve read of a local charity in dire need of help – with gloves, shoes, coats, a few dollars – what if you just did it?

If the Christmas season, the season of renewed dedication to Christ and His work, to peace and goodness, brings a strength to be nicer to people you don’t even like – but…

What if you just tried it?

I’m beginning to see more clearly [about time…at the age of ‘grandma’, there are others looking to me and my example all the time] that wise men and women seek the Savior by doing little things that bring them closer to Him.

The Three Wise Men brought gold, frankincense and myrrh to Jesus. But they brought with them much more than those three gifts. They brought their belief in Him, their testimony, their love. They gave of their time [a lot of it], and they offered their hearts.

They knew Him. They sought Him because they loved Him. Their wisdom exceeded that of most of their generation.

What of you and me? How can we better show our love, devotion, and wisdom? It’s a personal thing. Based upon testimony and goodness of soul.

Elder Robert D. Hales wisely, lovingly counseled us in this manner: “The light of belief is within you, waiting to be awakened and intensified by the Spirit of God.” [October General Conference, 2009.]

What we have within us may not be much – we seem prone to discount our goodness and our gifts. But with the Holy Spirit, it will be plenty. Our good desires and tiny gifts will be intensified and strengthened. Our light will bring more Christ-like righteousness – more good will on earth.

I’m thinking that if you and I determine to do just one simple act of goodness and love that we’ve not previously taken time, energy, or courage to do…. it will change us.

It will shift our seeking. And we will become, like the visiting kings of old, more wise.

That, in our singular, simple way is good. And goodness matters.

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About Vickey Pahnke Taylor

Vickey Pahnke Taylor is a wife, mom, grandmother, teacher, author, and songwriter. Her undergraduate study at BYU was musical theater. She has a Masters degree in interpersonal communications.

A Billboard award-winning songwriter with hundreds of songs to her credit, she uses music as a teaching tool. But her favorite way to use music has been to sing to her children. You should hear the family's rousing versions of "Happy Birthday"!

In addition to three solo albums in the LDS market, she co-wrote "Women at the Well" with Kenneth Cope and "My Beloved Christ: with Randy Kartchner. She is co-writer of the theme song for Utah's Make-A-Wish foundation, the song for the Special Olympics program, and EFY's theme song.

She writes for several online magazines and columns, and has authored several books. Her website, www.goodnessmatters.com, is her way of continuing to grow goodness in the world, pointing people gently toward Christ and eternal principles of truth.

She has spoken for the Church's various Youth and Family programs for 25 years. She and her husband Dean have eight children and four grandchildren. She adores being a wife, mom and grandmother. She loves flowers, brownies, cooking Italian and Southern foods, the ocean, and laughing every chance she gets.

Vickey was baptized a member of the Church as a teenager in Virginia. She serves as gospel doctrine teacher in her ward, and Dean serves on their stake high council.

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