There are plenty of reasons why young men in a stake might not be asking out the young women.
Please notice that I'm not capitalizing those terms; by "young" I mean "younger than me and not
yet married."
Familiarity Breeds Contempt? In some wards, the boys and girls have been together since
spitwads were being thrown during Primary. It would be like dating your sister.
Or so I've heard, but I don't think I believe it. Because I know an awful lot of married people
who met at church. Including my wife and me.
I think the secret is for a guy to find a girl who is enough years behind him that she was never in
the same class, so they will have no memories of seeing each other at their silliest.
Dating Is Gossip Fodder. We live in a malicious era, when asking someone out is only half a
step from proposing marriage, and the gossips have a young couple permanently attached from
the first date.
It's ridiculous when a single date means that to date someone else you have to "break up" with
the first person.
Wise leaders will get this issue roped and tied in three seconds, by getting the young people
together and saying, "In the outside world, 'dating' can mean you're doing everything short of
moving in together, but inside the Church, a date means nothing more than this: You agreed to
go somewhere together, and then you did as you agreed."
Dating Wrecks Friendships. When I was a teenager, I never asked one girl out on a date.
Here's why: Most of my best friends were girls. I knew perfectly well how they talked about the
guys they were dating. I also knew which kinds of guys they had crushes on. I wasn't on
anybody's list.
So by not asking them out, I didn't endanger our friendship and I didn't risk humiliation. It was
lots of fun walking home from school with a bunch of girls sharing lively conversation -- with
nothing at risk.
Dating, on the other hand, is just about the worst way to find out whether the other person will
make a good spouse.
And finding a spouse is what dating is about, from the first date on -- if you're doing it right.
(When you're doing it wrong, the guy is working on how many sexual liberties he can take
before he gets slapped down. When you're really dating the wrong way, that's what the girl is
thinking, too.)
Biology has us searching for a mate. Our faith and our culture teach us to channel that desire
into a search for an eternal partner.
Why Dating Doesn't Work. How much are you going to learn about each other when (1) you
are trying to use your "grown-up manners" (and this applies to thirty-year-olds as much as
teenagers); (2) your mother told you not to talk about yourself, but only to ask them questions to
get them talking about themselves (this leaves you with neither person willing to talk about
anything); (3) you are doing something completely useless that does not give you anything
natural to talk about.
What can you talk about? The food? The movie? The dance? How far does that get you,
especially if you don't care much about food, movies, or dances?
The problem with dating is that we make the foolish mistake of thinking that entertainment is the
only possible activity for a date.
Work Together. Let me tell you about a couple that I know. I'll call them "Rodney" and
"Kitten," because I'm cruel. Rodney was painfully shy and hated all forms of dating. Kitten
came from a family in which not a relative was still in their first marriage; she wasn't sure she
even wanted to get married.
The leaders of the Young Single Adult program, being matchmakers by calling and inclination,
decided that Rodney and Kitten were perfect for each other -- and that neither one was likely to
realize it without help.
So they called them to put on an activity together. The task was complicated; Both Rodney's
skills and Kitten's organizing ability were needed.
The result was that Rodney and Kitten didn't date at all. They worked together.
They're married now, with four wonderful children. (They are also extremely grateful that they
are not actually named Rodney and Kitten).
Kitten was able to finish college. Nobody is pushing Rodney to get the degree he never wanted.
Rodney earns a modest income and Kitten stays home. They are both frugal by nature, and they
do most household jobs themselves. So on that modest income they have a perfect credit rating
and a solid savings account.
They are fantastically patient and understanding parents. Kitten is a conversationalist and
Rodney enjoys letting her lead out on social occasions. Neither one particularly likes movies or
restaurants, so they rarely eat out or even watch much television.
They knew these things about each other before they got married -- because they had worked
together. Standard dating, on the other hand, would have had them sharing activities that neither
one enjoyed!
Next week: The kind of date that actually helps you find a spouse.
Orson Scott Card is the author of the novels Ender's Game, Ender's
Shadow, and Speaker for the Dead, which are widely read by adults and
younger readers, and are increasingly used in schools.
Besides these and other science fiction novels, Card writes contemporary
fantasy (Magic Street,Enchantment,Lost Boys), biblical novels (Stone Tables,Rachel and Leah), the American frontier fantasy series The Tales of Alvin Maker
(beginning with Seventh Son), poetry (An Open Book), and many plays and
Card was born in Washington and grew up in California, Arizona, and
Utah. He served a mission for the LDS Church in Brazil in the early 1970s.
Besides his writing, he teaches occasional classes and workshops and directs
plays. He also teaches writing and literature at Southern Virginia University.
Card currently lives in Greensboro, North Carolina, with his wife,
Kristine Allen Card, and their youngest child, Zina Margaret.