One of the hardest things to learn, for people embarking on the difficult
enterprise of marriage, is decision-making.
It's easy to conceive of a marriage as a corporation, with a CEO who makes all
the decisions, and a staff that carries them out. This looks attractive for the
same reason that dictatorships always do: It's just so simple when there's one
person in charge.
Simple, but miserable. For one thing, the lone decision-maker won't always be
right. For another thing, the non-decision-makers will always be unhappy.
How can there possibly be any joy in a relationship in which one person always
gets his way, and the other one never does?
The real problem is that in a good marriage (as in a good corporation or a well-run nation), nobody should ever have a "way." When it starts to matter most to
you who's in charge, you're on the road to disaster.
1. If nobody's bleeding and everybody's breathing, it probably isn't an
emergency, and therefore you can wait to make a decision until you agree.
Back in the mid-1970s, before I got married, then-managing editor Jay Todd of
the Ensign sent me to six cities across the country to interview people for a
series of articles about marriage and family.
One of the wisest couples I met during that tour told me something about how
a husband presides in the home, which I have tried to use in my own marriage.
They had explained that Section 121 is the perfect guide -- the husband leads
only by persuasion.
"But what if you can't agree?" I asked.
"Then we don't decide until we do," they said.
"But what if it's an emergency?" I persisted.
"We haven't had a lot of emergencies in our marriage," they said. "And when
it's really an emergency, we both agree instantly. 'You call 911 while I do CPR!'
Who's going to waste time arguing in a real emergency?"
2. No pouncing.
Just because you know how your spouse is going to finish a sentence doesn't
mean you shouldn't listen to the whole thing. Too often, we listen to our
partner as if we were high school debaters, waiting only until we can find
something wrong with their words and ... pounce.
How many times does your first response to your beloved consist of saying,
"That idea can't possibly work because ..."?
Now, there's nothing wrong with that when it's not a matter of opinion. "We
can't have dinner at that restaurant because it's out of business." You're
simply supplying information the other person didn't have.
But far more often, we fling out negatives by habit. An idea comes up, and we
immediately think of what's wrong with it.
Within a marriage, your first response should be to think, "Why is this idea
attractive to my beloved? What is she (or he) trying to achieve? What problem
is he (or she) trying to solve with this idea?" You can even say this out loud --
provided your tone is sincere instead of challenging.
3. Men, be men; women, be women.
I've read a lot of advice books that explain to men why the typical male
response to a woman's complaints is all wrong. "Women don't want you to
come up with solutions, they want you to say, 'Poor baby,' and sympathize."
Here's the real world: Women shouldn't marry men in order to have another
girlfriend, and men shouldn't expect their wives to be one of the guys.
It's a good idea for a husband to hear out his wife's explanation of her
problems, murmuring words of sympathy until she has said it all. But it's also
a perfectly sound idea, if some part of her problem seems soluble, to say, "I
think there's something we could do about this one thing."
If all you ever do is express sympathy, then you're not doing your duty to help
and counsel with your spouse. In fact, you may be creating a feedback loop
that leads to despair.
Of course, some people are unable to give advice without including, in tone if
not in words, "you idiot." A solution offered as being so obvious that only a
bonehead could have missed it is an attack.
A much better approach, when offering a suggestion, is to say, "I think this
might work. What do you think?"
4. If the other person shows emotion, you cannot.
The more emotional your spouse is, the calmer you need to be, especially if
your spouse's emotions are negative -- and directed at you.
Anger answered with anger only increases, until terrible things are said and
both spouses start to wonder how they ever ended up married to an enemy.
But anger answered with calmness -- infuriating as it might sometimes be, for
a moment -- is like a wave crashing against stone. Be the stone. Bear all that
is said, and say inside your heart -- or with your lips -- "I love you so much
that I can hear this without forgetting how important you are to me."
Your primary objective, when anger is present, is to say nothing that will
continue to hurt the other person after this particular argument is over.
Section 121, verses 41-44, offers a complete guide to decision-making in a
marriage: Lead by persuasion. Be patient by allowing your spouse to disagree
with you for a long time without having to force a resolution. Find the gentlest
way to say hard things. Be meek enough to hear hard things without anger or
resistance, and then consider them carefully.
Do not pretend to love, really love, which means putting your spouse's
happiness ahead of getting your own way -- way ahead.
Be kind: look for ways you can serve your spouse's needs and desires.
Don't offer arguments just because they come into your mind -- take the time
to make sure you're actually right before declaring the other person wrong.
When you advance a line of thought, make sure it consists of "pure knowledge"
rather than your visceral opinions.
Never be hypocritical by pretending to be dispassionate or rational when in fact
you're just trying to get your way. Nor is there room in a marital disagreement
for tricks, traps, half-truths, or deliberate misreadings of your beloved's
statements, just so you can "win."
Sometimes in a marriage you do have to say things the other person doesn't
want to hear. But the "sharpness" mentioned by the Lord in his words to
Joseph Smith refers to clarity, not anger. "I think you have made a mistake in
this precise way," you may need to say.
But you do this when the Spirit of God suggests it to you -- which means
never in anger or vengeance or to counter a sharp, clear reproof that has been
offered to you. "Oh, you think I was wrong to do this? Well what about when
you did that!" That's how children and politicians argue. There's no room for
that in marriage.
And the moment you have offered that clear reproof, you show greater
tenderness, affection, caring, kindness, gentleness, and service than ever, so
your spouse can see visible evidence that it was love, not anger or contempt,
that offered that reproof.
Good marriages have disagreements, and they don't have to be hidden away or
denied. You don't have to be a doormat by giving in on issues that matter to
you -- as long as you don't try to compel your spouse to give in, either.
Before you speak a word of disagreement with your spouse, especially if you
feel angry, you should reach out your hand and say, with your lips and in your
heart, "Your happiness and our marriage are both more important to me than
anything we ever disagree about."
Orson Scott Card is the author of the novels Ender's Game, Ender's
Shadow, and Speaker for the Dead, which are widely read by adults and
younger readers, and are increasingly used in schools.
Besides these and other science fiction novels, Card writes contemporary
fantasy (Magic Street,Enchantment,Lost Boys), biblical novels (Stone Tables,Rachel and Leah), the American frontier fantasy series The Tales of Alvin Maker
(beginning with Seventh Son), poetry (An Open Book), and many plays and
Card was born in Washington and grew up in California, Arizona, and
Utah. He served a mission for the LDS Church in Brazil in the early 1970s.
Besides his writing, he teaches occasional classes and workshops and directs
plays. He also teaches writing and literature at Southern Virginia University.
Card currently lives in Greensboro, North Carolina, with his wife,
Kristine Allen Card, and their youngest child, Zina Margaret.