Growing up, I was taught that tithing consisted of ten percent of our increase. In my parents'
family, "increase" was defined as gross income, including salary before taxes.
But my dad and mom often made extra money, beyond salary or wages -- my dad from his sign
painting and photography, my mom from typing dissertations and other projects.
My dad explained once that in defining the tithing on a one-shot part-time sign painting job, he
really should deduct, as any other business does, the cost of materials. "But that feels to me like
nickel-and-diming the Lord," he said, so he didn't bother making deductions -- he tithed on the
whole amount he was paid. "Still, wouldn't be wrong if somebody else chose to deduct those
costs," he explained.
He told me that when he owned an actual sign-painting company, he based his tithing on the
income after deducting the costs of employees, equipment, and so on. "The company didn't pay
tithing on its gross receipts, I paid tithing on the portion that was my increase."
That's what he believed was right, after prayer and consultation -- with my mother first, and
then, together, with the bishop.
As I got older, I learned what tithing money was used for, and the many spiritual and temporal
reasons why it's essential to pay that ten percent.
I also learned about taxes. We as citizens might disagree about how our tax dollars should be
spent, but most of us agree that it's good to pool a portion of our resources in order to
accomplish tasks that could not be done as well or as conveniently by private enterprise.
Both tithing and taxes are based on a percentage of our income. We pay tithing in obedience to
the commandments of God; we pay taxes in obedience to the commandments of men.
When we account for our tithepaying to the bishop each year, what we work out with him, after
his questions and suggestions, is our full tithing obligation. It's not his job to demand our records
or check with our employer or the bank. Ultimately, it's between us and God.
When we account for our taxes, we need to include proofs of income, and must stand ready to be
audited by someone with the authority to take from us what he thinks we should have paid.
A tax system that was handled the way we work with tithing would leave an ever-shrinking
number of honest taxpayers to provide government services for the dishonest ones, which would
soon leave the government unable to perform its vital functions.
And who would join a church that dealt with tithes the way the IRS (in America) deals with
taxes? Paying tithing would not count as righteousness if it were compelled.
Here is a good rule: Prepare your taxes so honorably you would not fear laying your
calculations before the Lord. And figure your tithing so carefully you would not fear an audit
from the IRS.
It's quite possible that you'll find you can't use the IRS's definition of "taxable income" as the
exact basis for the "increase" you pay tithing on.
For one thing, you probably deduct your tithing donations from your taxable income -- and it
would hardly do to subtract your tithing before calculating your tithing, for then you'd end up
paying only nine percent!
The government allows all kinds of exemptions and reductions in order to encourage us to
engage in certain activities. There's a deduction for the interest we pay on a mortgage. Certain
kinds of income are taxed at a very different rate. There's a minimum income beneath which
you pay no taxes at all. None of these should reduce our tithing.
The Lord's system seems simpler, because it's a flat rate: Ten percent of your "increase" for the
year, no exceptions.
But it's more complicated than that. If you're taking every lawful deduction that the government
authorizes, you may end up with a much lower number than the one you ought to base your
tithing on.
You are not cheating the government, as long as you follow the law; but the government doesn't
have the authority to decide what you can or can't exempt from your tithable income.
Do you count the portion of your health insurance your employer pays for? When you go to the
doctor and don't pay the full cost of the treatment, aren't you receiving "increase"?
And what do you do about a 401K? When your employer matches your savings in such an
account, isn't that income? Or do you wait to pay tithing on the 401K until you withdraw from it
after you retire, so you don't tithe even the portion you contribute now?
What about the money paid into Social Security? If we tithe that money now, does that mean
our Social Security benefits are already "pre-tithed"? Or should we figure out how much our
employer is paying into the system, and count that as increase right now?
Or, when we retire, do we add up our lifetime contributions to Social Security, on which we
already paid tithing, and don't pay tithing on it until the benefits exceed what we paid in?
I do not know the "right" answer to any of these questions, and the official Church response to
questions like this is always the same: Pray -- and consult with your bishop.
The last thing the Church wants or needs is to develop a "tithing code" like the government's
hundreds-of-pages tax code! Besides, then we'd be tempted to find loopholes.
Here's what I think should be the "code" we follow in figuring our tithing:
If, after deciding on the "increase" you intend to tithe, you feel bad or uncomfortable or can't
stop wondering whether it's right, or if you feel like you're getting away with something, then
maybe you need to pray a while longer or talk to the bishop again and make a change or two.
And even after an honest, full tithing, there's nothing stopping you from consecrating even more
of your increase as fast offerings and other donations.
Orson Scott Card is the author of the novels Ender's Game, Ender's
Shadow, and Speaker for the Dead, which are widely read by adults and
younger readers, and are increasingly used in schools.
Besides these and other science fiction novels, Card writes contemporary
fantasy (Magic Street,Enchantment,Lost Boys), biblical novels (Stone Tables,Rachel and Leah), the American frontier fantasy series The Tales of Alvin Maker
(beginning with Seventh Son), poetry (An Open Book), and many plays and
Card was born in Washington and grew up in California, Arizona, and
Utah. He served a mission for the LDS Church in Brazil in the early 1970s.
Besides his writing, he teaches occasional classes and workshops and directs
plays. He also teaches writing and literature at Southern Virginia University.
Card currently lives in Greensboro, North Carolina, with his wife,
Kristine Allen Card, and their youngest child, Zina Margaret.