"We seldom get into trouble when we speak softly. It is only when we raise our voices that the sparks fly and tiny molehills become great mountains of contention."
Sometimes we Mormons feel a bit defiant and declare we don't much care what the world thinks
of us.
But of course we always do.
For one thing, the ability of our missionaries to teach people the gospel is strongly affected by
what people think they already know about us.
Controversy isn't always bad for our purposes -- when we take a stand and become known for
it, there are those who are drawn to us because of it.
But our mission is to take the gospel to all people, including those who disagree with us, and
especially including those who are devoted to activities we regard as destructive to their souls.
Christ said that it is not the healthy but the sick who need a physician.
So it is always a matter of great concern to all of us what our image is in the eyes of the world.
Few of us can affect the overall image, but all of us can affect the impressions that individuals
have of the Church.
Friendship and kindness to strangers can easily tip the balance from "I've heard such awful
things about those Mormons" to "I know a Mormon family and they're nothing like what people
That's a matter of image -- what people think they know about us. And let's remember that we
also have an image of ourselves, which may or may not conform to reality.
It's easy for Saints in the west, particularly in Utah, where we form an overwhelming majority,
to forget what a small minority we are in the country as a whole.
Still, we're not an insignificant minority: Our numbers are comparable to Jews, and there are a
lot more of us than there are other small minorities like Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, and
Jehovah's Witnesses.
Because Jews tend to vote as a bloc and they are concentrated in a few states, most notably New
York, they have political influence far out of proportion to their numbers. They're swing voters
-- if they ever abandoned the Democratic presidential candidate, that candidate probably
wouldn't carry New York, and without New York, it's hard to see how such a candidate could
We Mormons don't have that clout in any major state, because in the Rocky Mountain states
where we have majority or large minority status, our non-member fellow-citizens vote quite
similarly to us. And in California, our vote is usually steamrollered into insignificance -- except
on issues where we can forge alliances with groups that share our values.
Still, when you go by the raw numbers, there is no demographic reason why we could not have
the same kind of cultural influence in America that Jews have.
It is interesting that in the Midwest and South, we represent about the same proportion of the
general population, while we are about half as numerous in the Northeast.
Assuming that Americans who already belong to the Church would be equally likely to move
anywhere in the U.S., the discrepancy suggests that the missionary work is more successful in
the South and Midwest.
But the Pew report is not just confined to how many we are -- it also examines who we are,
what we believe, and how we behave, in comparison with members of other faiths.
Keep in mind that there are going to be inaccuracies. Though the sample size is sufficient for the
numbers to be meaningful, the poll can only deal with self-identified Mormons, defined as
"persons who see themselves as following in the religious tradition of Joseph Smith."
Who knows how many people whom we maintain on our rolls did not tell the Pew pollsters they
were Mormons, because they long since ceased to think of themselves that way?
There are oddities. Why is the Church even more disproportionately female than Catholics and
Evangelicals (56%, compared to 54% and 53%)? Is it because we convert more women, or lose
more men, or both?
It's no surprise that, with our higher-than-average birthrate, we are markedly younger than the
surrounding population; but why are converts to the Church older than lifers?
Maybe it's because converts who joined the Church when their children were young continue to
report themselves as converts their whole lives, while their children quite naturally report
themselves as lifers.
Only Hindus are more likely than we are to be married, and, along with Hindus, we're the most
likely Americans to be married to someone of the same faith.
Only 7% of Mormons were born outside the U.S., compared to 12% of the overall population,
but it's not hard to see why: Mormon converts in other countries are encouraged to stay and
build up the Church where they are.
Middle Class Mormons
When it comes to education, we enter college at a markedly higher rate than the population as a
whole -- but then graduate at only slightly higher than normal levels.
I think this can be completely explained by the commitment of so many Latter-day Saints to
have only one working parent, usually the father; Mormon women who enter college in high
numbers are somewhat less likely to graduate than men; but, speaking from my own
observations, most of them continue to self-educate so that college degrees do not measure the
real educational level of the Church.
When it comes to income, fewer of us are poor or working class; but fewer of us also make more
than $100,000 a year. However, in the middle range of income ($50,000 to $100,000 a year), we
are strongly ahead of the general population.
This is one of the most important things about our culture, in my opinion. It is not that
Mormonism appeals to middle class people, it's that Mormon culture leads more of us to make
the choices that bring us into, but keep us from rising out of, the middle class. Here's why:
First, no matter what your income or education are when you join the Church, active
membership means that you will hold a calling. Those who thrive in the Church, then, are those
who have or can develop the ability to fulfil a job we did not choose, and do so effectively week
after week, without someone checking up on us all the time.
Anyone who can do that is going to do well in middle-class jobs, period. We are, in effect,
training all our active members for well-paying jobs.
Why, then, don't we rise in greater numbers above that $100,000 mark? First, because so few of
us, relatively speaking, are two-income families. I suspect most Mormon couples would be
perfectly capable of conducting two $75,000 careers -- but instead, one of them stays home and
makes sure that the family and the household are well taken care of.
This division of labor keeps our financial totals lower -- but our effectiveness as families much
In addition, Mormons in middle management are far more likely than others to refuse
promotions and raises that would require them to relocate when their children are of high school
Our ambitions are not as likely to be centered on our careers, but rather on our families, so that
we aren't as willing to make the sacrifices of time and inconvenience that rising to the very top
of most professions requires.
These are good things, in my opinion. I'm proud of us that enough people are making good
choices that it shows up in our middle-class demographics.
Orson Scott Card is the author of the novels Ender's Game, Ender's
Shadow, and Speaker for the Dead, which are widely read by adults and
younger readers, and are increasingly used in schools.
Besides these and other science fiction novels, Card writes contemporary
fantasy (Magic Street,Enchantment,Lost Boys), biblical novels (Stone Tables,Rachel and Leah), the American frontier fantasy series The Tales of Alvin Maker
(beginning with Seventh Son), poetry (An Open Book), and many plays and
Card was born in Washington and grew up in California, Arizona, and
Utah. He served a mission for the LDS Church in Brazil in the early 1970s.
Besides his writing, he teaches occasional classes and workshops and directs
plays. He also teaches writing and literature at Southern Virginia University.
Card currently lives in Greensboro, North Carolina, with his wife,
Kristine Allen Card, and their youngest child, Zina Margaret.