You know that rule about how teenagers aren't supposed to date until they're
sixteen? Does anyone remember how old that rule is?
I'm 57. That rule was already in place when I got to dating age in 1967.
It never affected me much. It's not like girls were clinging to their phones,
hoping I'd call. Plus, I didn't get a driver's license till I was 23. That really
crimps a guy's style.
In our ward in Greensboro, that rule seems to be universally respected.
Including the often-ignored stipulations that even at 16, they should be group
dates, so that couples aren't alone together until they're 18 or older.
But I suspect that our ward is actually unusual.
I keep hearing stories. And seeing examples. I remember one ward I was in
where the bishop and his wife decided that their daughter was so "mature" that
she could date at fifteen.
And a good friend of mine -- a lifelong Church member -- told me the other
day about what happened when she was fourteen. The "boy of her dreams"
asked her on a date. He was a Mormon kid, and he was sixteen.
Of course, at age 14, and believing herself to be in love, she yearned to go on
the date. And so she asked her parents, knowing that these strait-laced,
conservative parents would say no.
Only they didn't. They said, "You're so mature and dependable, we've decided
you can go."
My friend was outwardly grateful, but inside she was saying to herself, "What?
Now I actually have to go! What will I do! I'm not ready for this dating thing!"
Over the next couple of years till she turned 16, her parents were hot and cold
on this point. Sometimes they'd say yes. Sometimes they'd say, "Let's stick to
the Church rule."
They did her no favor at all.
When the Church first instituted these rules, they didn't seem all that radical.
Now, though, I see the dating age get younger and younger in the world around
us. Fourteen, thirteen, twelve ... even younger.
Of course, before age 16 somebody else has to do the driving. But that's part of
the problem. Adults openly sanction their children's pairing up at ridiculously
young ages.
Another thing has happened. The word "dating," at least for older teenagers,
has been sliding along toward coming to mean what it now seems to mean for
adults: "hooking up," "in an exclusive sexual relationship."
It's been twenty years since Phil Donahue pronounced that "You can't stop kids
from having sex." Even then, the statement was obviously false. Back in the
early 1950s, without easy birth control, without legal abortion (and with illegal
abortion extremely rare), but with 16-year-old drivers and drive-in movies, the
number of illegitimate births in our country was minuscule.
Now, with birth control and easy, legal abortion, we have millions of babies
born to unwed mothers.
How were we stopping kids from having sex back in the 1950s?
Repression, folks!
People talk as if that were some kind of crime against nature, to impose sexual
repression on our children (and on single adults!), but there has never been a
shred of evidence suggesting that repressing your sexual urges between
puberty and marriage ever caused anybody to explode. Or even get a
Back when we taught our kids that good people don't have sex when they're
not married, back when we chaperoned dates, back when no respectable girl
would go into a bedroom alone with a guy -- and no respectable guy would ask
her to -- we actually did succeed in stopping the vast majority of kids from
having sex.
Now, we practically push them into it.
Our TV shows take it for granted that except for a "you gotta really really really
love him" speech from an utterly helpless parent, there is no barrier to
teenagers having sex and no reason to consider it to be a problem.
But it is a problem. It's a devastating, life-ruining problem for millions of girls
who give birth to babies and then try to raise them without a husband and
Which brings me back to those Mormon parents who decide their child is "more
mature than average" and so they grant an exemption to the rule.
Let me make it plain, O ye my fellow parents: It's our responsibility to keep our
children from having sex until they're ready to marry.
There is no child under sixteen who has any need for or will derive any benefit
from dating.
There is no child under eighteen who is ready for unchaperoned dating.
"Maturity" is irrelevant.
If you make exemptions for your teenagers, you hurt them and all the other
Mormon kids whose parents are trying to help keep them safe and unspotted
from the world.
You not only expose them to the risks of early dating -- especially given the
way the world defines it these days -- but you also teach them to treat the
teachings of the prophets with contempt.
In our ward, all the parents support each other, and our kids all understand
that part of being Mormon, of being different from the rest of the world, is that
we follow the Church's rules on dating.
Even if you have already granted exemptions to any of your kids, gather them
together in family home evening and openly repent. "We should not have let
you (or your older brother or sister) date before age sixteen. We showed
disrespect for the teachings of the prophets and we exposed our beloved
children to needless risk. It will not happen again. This is going to be a family
that obeys the rules."
And when you get the inevitable whining, you give the same answer again and
again: "We love you too much to endanger you. We love the gospel too much to
ignore the prophets. We love our fellow Saints too much to make it harder for
them to live by the rules."
And your exceptionally mature kids will understand and comply.
Orson Scott Card is the author of the novels Ender's Game, Ender's
Shadow, and Speaker for the Dead, which are widely read by adults and
younger readers, and are increasingly used in schools.
Besides these and other science fiction novels, Card writes contemporary
fantasy (Magic Street,Enchantment,Lost Boys), biblical novels (Stone Tables,Rachel and Leah), the American frontier fantasy series The Tales of Alvin Maker
(beginning with Seventh Son), poetry (An Open Book), and many plays and
Card was born in Washington and grew up in California, Arizona, and
Utah. He served a mission for the LDS Church in Brazil in the early 1970s.
Besides his writing, he teaches occasional classes and workshops and directs
plays. He also teaches writing and literature at Southern Virginia University.
Card currently lives in Greensboro, North Carolina, with his wife,
Kristine Allen Card, and their youngest child, Zina Margaret.