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October 13, 2015
According to Hoole
The Art of Productive Worrying
by Daryl Hoole

I’m really good at worrying. I worry so well, in fact, that Hank designated me as the family worrier. And there is plenty of opportunity for worrying because there is always someone in the family, if not several, who cause some concern for one reason or another.

Even while worrying, I realize that it’s futile. I have to agree with whoever said, “Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It keeps you busy but it doesn’t get you anywhere.”

I know that worrying is self-defeating. This saying, attributed to Mary Engelbreit, sums the matter up well: “Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths.”

Nevertheless, I continue to worry. I’ve gradually come to realize over the years, however, that the problem is not that I worry; it’s how I worry that is the issue. There are two kinds of worrying. One is reactive and results in wringing hands and losing sleep. The other is proactive, which results in solving problems and helping things go right.

So now, as the matriarch of a large family of four generations, I’m trying hard to become a proactive worrier. May I share the following suggestions for solving problems and helping things go right:

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