Print | Back | September 27, 2013 |
Creative Living Out of Balance in Life? Maybe it Time for You to Take Time Out for Youby Dian Thomas |
Our emotional state is often tied to what we eat and how we feel about ourselves. Self-image and self-confidence are also important parts of the package.
As I embarked on book tours with various media, I found myself on a path I never dreamed would be possible for me. On the outside I looked attractive and presentable. I had graduated from BYU, had three successful years of teaching, and was now a successful author and professional speaker.
But underneath, all was not well. My self-esteem suffered because I had always struggled with school. My parents even drove from Salt Lake City to Provo many weekends to read to me as I struggled to complete my university courses. Because I did not do well in school, I sometimes questioned how smart I was.
Success and newfound fame gave me a shot of confidence, and I wanted more and more of it. I wanted people to think I was competent and successful, even though I did not feel it inside. I began to push myself further, piling stress upon stress.
In addition to being a regular on the “Today” show, I was also writing a new book. Television is competitive, often brutal, and the pressure is intense. If you make one misstep, there are a hundred people waiting to take your place. So I had to be at the top of my game at all times. I was working seventy to eighty hours weekdays, and weekends were rarely my own.
I became depressed and saw a doctor. The medication he prescribed had a side effect of weight gain. I ate more and more to fill the void I felt in my soul. The frantic pace of my work had to stop, and I was fortunate to find a wonderful therapist. I learned that I was looking outside of myself for the things that I should be giving myself. I must have asked my therapist a thousand times if I was okay.
Once I felt somewhat reprogrammed, I asked her whether she thought I was smart. She would tell me, “I do not know anyone else who has done all that you have accomplished.” Slowly I began to reverse the wrong ideas I had about myself. I learned that I was worthy of respect, and that I was intelligent. I realized I had to love and care enough about myself to do the things required to maximize my health.
With the help of incredible, supportive people, I began to make improvements. I am now very active. I love my new life and the activities that I engage in that were not possible before.
Is stress or your emotions driving you to eat? I find that it is so easy to get out of balance. For me I let my work start to take over my life. I get busier and busier until I am not taking any time for myself. This week I decided it was time to slow down and take some time out so I am heading for Lake Powell to slow down and put a little more balance in my life.
You will find many more healthful ideas on how to take care of yourself in Dian’s Healthy Living book: Tipping the Scales in Your Favor. Permanent weight-loss is not a diet; it is a lifestyle change. There is no one "magic bullet." Instead, it's a matter of consistently incorporating a number of steps that include exercise, eating right and accountability. It's like leading a symphony; you've got to have all the instruments playing at the same time or you don't get the results.
In Dian's new book, Tipping the Scales in Your Favor, she shares step-by-step what she did to lose more than 125 lbs. and keep up an active lifestyle. The pages of the book come alive with practical tips, healthy recipes, more than 175 beautiful color illustrations and her refreshing and honest story of the journey. For more info go to and check out the book on the right side of the page.
Copyright © 2025 by Dian Thomas | Printed from |